Executive Secretariat for Integral Development (SEDI)

Inter-American Meetings of Ministers of Education

VIII Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Education


The Executive Secretariat for Integral Development presents its compliments to the Permanent Missions and, as requested by the Permanent Mission of Panamá is pleased to remind them that the Preparatory Meeting of the VIII Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Education in the framework of CIDI will be held on January 20-21, 2015 at the OAS headquarters in Washington D.C. (Padilha Vidal Room – 1889 F Street, N.W.)

Should you require specific information on the preparatory meeting or the VIII Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Education, please contact Ambassador Abigail Castro de Perez, acastrop@oas.org and/or Ms. Patricia Quiroz pquiroz@oas.org, in the Department of Human Development, Education and Employment.

  • Draft Schedule for the Preparatory Meeting
    CIDI/RPME/Doc. 26/15 – Español |English (corr. in English New)

Document to be considered at the Preparatory Meeting:

  • Draft resolution “Building an Inter-American Education Agenda: Education with Equity for Prosperity (Presented by the Delegation of Panama) CIDI/RPME/Doc. 25/15 Español |English| Français |Português
  • Proposed texts to recommend to the Summit Implementation Review Group (SIRG) to be considered in the mandates for action document of the VII Summit of the Americas “Prosperity with Equity: The Challenge of Cooperation in the Americas” (Presented by the Delegation of Panama) CIDI/RPME/Doc. 27/15 Español |English| Français* |Português (New)

Supporting and reference documents:

  • Draft Agenda for the VIII Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Education in the framework of CIDI (Approved ad referendum of CIDI by the Committee on Partnership for Development Policies during the meeting held December 11, 2014)  
    CIDI/CPD/Doc.68/14  Rev. 2 -  English - Español |Français |Português
  • Draft Annotated Agenda for the VIII Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Education in the framework of CIDI (Presented by the delegation of Panama; includes comments received from delegations as of December 9, 2014 and those presented during the meeting of December 11, 2014) 
    CIDI/CPD/Doc.73/14 Rev. 2  English - Español |Français |Português
  • Comments received from the delegation of Venezuela to the Preliminary draft Agenda and the Draft Annotated Agenda for the Eighth Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Education  
    CIDI/CPD/INF.11/14 English - Español
  • Prosperity with Equity: The Challenge of Cooperation in the Americas” Mandates for Action.  (Document presented by the delegation of Panama to be considered at the Summit Implementation Review Group)
    GRIC/CA-VII/doc.3/14 - Español |English| Français |Português(New reference document)
  • List of Observers and Guests to the Eighth Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Education (Approved ad referendum of CIDI by the Committee on Partnership for Development Policies during the meeting held the 14th of November, 2014)
    CIDI/CPD/Doc.69/14 English - Español
  • Executive Summary, Background and rationales for the construction of an Inter-American Education Agenda as the proposed theme for the Eighth Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Education (Presented by the delegation of Panama)
    CIDI/CPD/Doc.76/14 English - Español
  • Power Point Presentation: Background and rationales for the construction of an Inter-American Education Agenda as the chosen theme for the Eighth Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Education (Presentation made during the informal meeting held December 5, 2014)
    CIDI/CPD/INF.10/14 English - Español
  • Final Report of the  VI Regular CIE Meeting  (Document prepared by the Technical Secretariat, and includes comments received from member States as of December 8, 2014)
    CIDI/CIE/doc.7/14  Rev. 2  Español English - Francais –  Portugues

Reports from the Secretariat:

  • Report on the Inter-American Program on Education for Democratic Values and Practices 2011-2013 (Presented by the Department of Human Development, Education and Employment in compliance with resolution AG/RES. 2816 (XLIV-O/14) “Advancing Hemispheric Initiatives on Integral Development”)
    CIDI/RPME/Doc. 28/15 – Español |English

* These documents will be available soon.