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Labor issues are now more than ever at the center of the economic, social and political agendas in the region. Employment generation and the need to guarantee workers access to decent labor conditions are indispensable in overcoming the poverty in which more than 180 million people are living in the Americas. In order to break the circle of exclusion and inequity that characterizes our region today and to consolidate democratic governance and respect for labor rights, it is imperative to create jobs that are stable, highly productive, well remunerated and accompanied by adequate social protection. .
The Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor (IACML) of the OAS, whose Technical Secretariat resides in this Department, is the main forum for discussion and decision-making on labor matters in the Hemisphere. The Conference formulates priorities and approaches that guide cooperation activities necessary to face the labor challenges of the region. This section of our webpage contains all the relevant information of the IACML, including information on its activities, working groups and advisory bodies.