Department of Effective Public Management
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The III Inter-American Conference on “Innovative Experiences in Effective Public Management” was organized by the OAS Department for Effective Public Management (DEPM) and the Municipality of Pachuca de Soto, Hidalgo, Mexico; taking place in the city of Pachuca on March 5th and 6th, 2015.

The main purpose of the Conference was the promotion and dialogue on the scopes of innovation in our region as an important element for the strengthening of public administration and democracy.

During the event, initiatives from different OAS member states were presented, grouped into four (4) presentations: 1. Innovation on Human Talent Management for quality of public services; 2. Social Innovation for a collaborative government; 3. Innovation for an Open Government at the service of citizenry; 4. Innovation on Municipal Public Management.

Speakers from nine (9) OAS member states took part at the event: Argentina, Brazil, Guatemala, Jamaica, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago and Uruguay. Those speakers were joined by other representatives from the Latin American and the Caribbean Institute of Economic and Social Planning of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC); from the Latin American Center of Administration for Development (CLAD); from the Municipality of Bilbao; from the Getulio Vargas Foundation; from the University Institute Ortega and Gasset (Spain); from the Federal Institute of Access to Information and Data Protection (IFAI – Mexico); and from the Zeppelin University (Friedrichshafen, Germany).

Additionally, thirteen (13) OAS member States, through high-level authorities of public Management participated at the event: Barbados, Belize, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Grenada, Guyana, St. Lucia, Suriname and USA.


Lic. Eduardo Salas
Director de la Oficina Nacional de Empleo Publico de la Secretaría de Gabinete y Coordinación Administrativa


Mr. Michael Archer
Director of the Office of Public Sector Reform - Ministry of the Civil Service


Ms. Marian McNab
Vice-minister of the Ministry of Public Service & Elections


Sr. Marcelo Mendes Barbosa
Secretario Adjunto de Gestión del Ministerio de Planeamiento, Presupuesto y Gestión (rango de Viceministro)


Ms. Maude Kostine
Alternate Representative  Permanent Mission of Canada to the OAS


Dra. Liliana Caballero
Directora General del Departamento Administrativo de la Función Público (DAFP)

Costa Rica

Sr. Luis Fallas Calderón
Viceministro del Ministerio de Planificación Nacional y Política Económica MIDEPLAN


Ms. Mandra Fagan
Ministry of Youth, Sports and Constituency Empowerment – Permanent Secretary

Dominican Republic

Dr. Carlos Manzano
Viceministro  del Ministerio de Administración Pública

Dr. Julio Canelo
Viceministro del Ministerio de Administración Púiblica

El Salvador

Lic. Alberto Enriquez
Director de Transformación del Estado de la Secretaría Técnica y de Planificación de la Presidencia


Ms. Anna Brizan
Acting Permanent Secretary Department of Public Administration of the Office of the Prime Minister


Lic. Dora Marina Coc Yup
Subsecretaria de Politicas Publicas Secretaría de la Presidencia de la República (SEGEPLAN)


Mrs. Margaret Cummings
Chief Human Resource Office of the Ministry of Public Service


Mrs. Veniece Pottinger-Scott
Director General of the Public Sector Transformation & Modernization of the Cabinet Office


Sra. Alejandra Díaz Aguirre
Encargada de la Dirección General de Desarrollo Humano y Servicio Profesional de Carrera de la SFP

Sr. Alfredo Muñoz García
Director de Evaluación de Desempeño de la SFP

Sr. Raúl Balmaceda
Asesor de la Subsecretaría de la SFP


Econ. Humberto R. Peralta Beaufort
Ministro Secretario Ejecutivo de la Secretaría de la Función Pública


Dr. Vlado Castañeda
Secretario de Coordinación de la Presidencia de Consejo de Ministros

Saint Lucia

Sr. Philip Dalsou
Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Public Service, Sustainable Development, Energy, Science and Technology


Mr. Edmund Leilis
Minister of the Ministry of Home Affairs

Mr. Mohamed Nasier Eskak
Political of Adviser of the Ministry of Home Affairs

Trinidad & Tobago

Mrs. Hon. Carolyn Seepersad-Bachan
Minister of the Ministry of Public Administration

Mrs. Eden Pope
Adviser of the Ministry of Public Administration

Mr. Akil Nurse
Adviser of the Ministry of Public Administration

United States of America

Mr. Sean Jones
Mission Director of USAID Mexico. 


Sr. Embajador Jorge Alberto Delgado Fernández
Embajada del Uruguay en México

What elements are needed to foster an environment of innovation within the public sector?

Taking into consideration the diverse characteristics of population that makes innovation in public sector compulsory, 4 areas of discussion have been chosen, namely: Innovation on Human Talent Management; Innovation for a collaborative government; Innovation for an Open Government; and Innovation on Municipal Public Management.

Presentation 1

Innovation on Human Talent Management for quality of public services
How and what to innovate in human resources management for the effective achievement of public administration’s objectives and the delivery of better services to citizenry?

Without a high-quality Civil Service, there are no reforms possible. In that regard, some countries of the Americas developed several reform processes which include top management, public processes and employment, salary reform, among others.

It is necessary to make more efforts in guaranteeing that those reforms might overcome bureaucracy and generate flexible administrative structures, as well as oriented to serve citizens’ necessities, that is to say, provisions with quality.

Rethink some elements such as stability of public career, guaranteeing the capacities of public officers to exercise their public functions; as well as the political Agenda of our democracies.

To that end, experiences like public tender process in Paraguay or collective negotiations’ processes in Argentina, that already include demands or officers’ commitments towards quality are important advances that worth being disseminated.

Presentation 2
Social Innovation for a collaborative government
How and what to innovate within the public sector for the achievement of a higher participation of other sectors to government Management and the creation of public value?

Social, economic and political changes lead to rethink the way of how to govern. In that regard, in order to create public value, it is necessary to elaborate public policies which include civil society and the private sector for a joint and coordinated work with public institutions.

Experiences like the Citizen Attention System of Peru, that allow the realization and submission of 24 proceedings for companies and 80 for citizens in the same location; the inclusion of different sectors and ethnic groups for the formulation of the National Development Plan of Guatemala; the alliance with private sector to fulfill with the requirements of the macro-economic adjustment Plan in Jamaica; each of them constitute different examples of how collaborative government can be turn into a reality in the countries of the Americas.

Nonetheless, it is not possible to pass by other problems, such as the control of the public interest by small groups; tensions between citizens and public administration; capacity and representation of social sectors, in order to be actively involved in joint initiatives; among others.

Presentation 3
Open Government at the service of  citizenry
How and what to innovate to foster a more open, transparent and closer to the citizens Public Management?

To innovate in Open Government implies

The development of economic activities, through the use of open data with the participation of nongovernmental actors.

The development of public policies and the participation of citizenry in their analysis, drafting and application

Building trust towards citizens, through the use of Open Government Tools.

Rethinking the role of public officers for the exercise of Open Government, by transforming them in public services’ makers, distributors and promoters through their values and capacities.

In that regard, experiences like the ones developed in Uruguay, Trinidad & Tobago, Brazil and Mexico show the different fields and initiatives in which our region is working. These experiences may also show us important challenges to keep working on, as the open data Portal, Archives’ Management, the design of multi-channel access’ tools to public services, among others.  

Presentation 4
How and what to innovate in local governments’ Public Management?

Public Management is highly important in our democracies. If local governments are strong, the central State is strong

Experiences like the one implemented in Durango show us the value of leadership to achieve better services guaranteeing continuity of management; in Patzun, on the close relation with their citizens; in Chincha and in Chihuahua.

Keynote Speaker

Innovation for an Open Government at the service of citizenry

Mr. Jorge Mattar-Márquez, Director of the Institute of Economic and Social Planning of the Economic Commission for Latin American and the Caribbean (ILPES/ECLAC)

Presentation of the prize-winners innovative experiences of the Inter-American Award on Innovation for Effective Public Management - 2014

Encuesta de clima y cultura organizacional de Administración Pública Federal (ECCO)

Mr. Jorge Cedillo Navarro, Director of Culture and Organizational Change, Secretariat of Public Function (SFP), Mexico

Programa Mae Coruja Pernambucana

Ms. Ana Elizabeth Andrade Lima, Coordinator of Mãe Coruja Programme, Secretariat of Planning and Management of the State of Pernambuco, Brasil

Experiencia municipal en la implementación y coordinación de políticas sociales de reparaciones
Mr. Pierino Bruno Stucchi Lopez, Councillor of the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima, Peru

Uruguay Concursa 
H.E. Ambassador Jorge Alberto Delgado Fernández Embassy of Uruguay to Mexico

Keynote Speaker

Mr. Andoni Aldekoa, Coordinator of Political Economy and Planning, Municipality of Bilbao, Basque Country

Presentation 1: Innovation in Human Talent Management for the quality of public services.

Dr. Regina Pacheco, Professor and Coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Public Policy Management, Getulio Vargas Foundation, Brazil

Econ. Humberto Peralta Beaufort, Minister Execute Secretary of Public Function, Paraguay

Dr. Eduardo Salas, Director of the National Office of Public Employment, Cabinet Secretariat and Administrative Coordination, Argentina

Mr. Gregorio Montero, Secretary General of the Latin American Centre of Administration for Development – CLAD

Presentation 2: Social Innovation for a collaborative government

Dr. Ricardo García Vegas, Academic Coordinator of Goberna Experiencia, University Institute Ortega & Gasset – Spain.

Mrs. Veniece Pottinger-Scott, Director General of the Public Sector Transformation and Modernization Office, Jamaica

Dr. Dora Marina Coc Yup, Undersecretary of Public Policy, Secreariat of Planning and Programming of the Presidency, Guatemala

Mr. Vlado Castañeda, Secretary of Coordination of the Presidency of the Council of Ministries, Peru

Presentation of the Study on “Documents Management System” of the Transparency and Access to Information Network (RTA):

Dr. Eduardo Bonilla Magaña, Director General of Information and Studies Management, Federal Institute of Access to Information and Data Protection (IFAI), Mexico

Dr. Jorge Tlatelpa Melendez, OAS Consultant

Presentation 3: Innovation for an Open Government at the service of citizenry

Dr. Eckhard Schroeter, Professor at Zeppelin University, Friedrichshafen, Germany

Ing. Victor Villar – Member of the Executive Committee of the Agency for E-Government and Information Society - AGESIC – Uruguay

Mrs. Hon. Carolyn Seepersad-Bachan, Minister of Public Administration of Trinidad and Tobago

Mr. Marcelo Mendes Barbosa, Deputy Secretary of Public Management, Ministry of Management, Planning and Budget, Brazil

Mtro. Guillermo Ruiz de Teresa, Director General of Innovation and Citizen Participation, Government of Mexico

Presentation 4: Innovation on Municipal Public Management

Dr. Esteban Villagos Villareal, Municipal President of Durango, State of Durango, Mexico

Dr. Mardoqueo Cancax Sacach, Mayor of Patzun, Guatemala

Dr. Javier Alfonso Garfio Pacheco, Municipal President of Chihuahua, México

Dr. César Carranza Falla, Mayor of Chincha, Perú


Se inaugura la III Conferencia Interamericana sobre Experiencias Innovadoras en Gestión Pública Efectiva
Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores

Se inauguró la III Conferencia Interamericana sobre Experiencias Innovadoras en Gestión Pública Efectiva
Diario Digital

Hidalgo, sede de la Conferencia Interamericana sobre gestión pública
Diario Digital

Inicia en Pachuca la III Conferencia Interamericana Experiencias Innovadoras en Gestión Pública Efectiva

Hidalgo, sede de conferencia interamericana, “Experiencias innovadoras en gestión pública efectiva”


Bilbao participa en México en la III Conferencia Interamericana sobre eficiencia en la gestión pública
Diario Digital

Bilbao participa en México en la III Conferencia Interamericana sobre eficiencia en la gestión pública, organizada por la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA)
Web del Ayuntamiento de Bilbao

Bilbao presenta su modelo de gestión pública en la Conferencia Interamericana
Diario Digital El

Bilbao presenta su modelo de gestión pública en la Conferencia Interamericana


Paraguay participará de la III Conferencia Interamericana sobre "Experiencias Innovadoras para la Gestión Pública Efectiva"
Secretaría de la Función Pública


Colombia en Conferencia Interamericana de la OEA
Diario Digital A Puerta

Colombia participa este jueves y viernes en México en Conferencia Interamericana de la OEA sobre Experiencias Innovadoras en Gestión Pública Efectiva
Departamento Administrativo de la Función Pública


Alcalde Provincial de Chincha es invitado como expositor a III Conferencia Inter-Americana en México sobre Gestión Pública
Diario Digital Chincha en la