Department of Effective Public Management
jQuery Superfish dropdown menu example with full touch support for Android, iOS and Windows 8.

Work Team

Maria Fernanda Trigo, Director

Maria Fernanda Trigo
Maria Fernanda Trigo, a Bolivian national, currently serves as Director of the OAS Department for Effective Public Management where she has set as its mission to strengthen public institutions in the Americas so they are more transparent, effective and have mechanisms for citizen participation. Previously, Ms. Trigo performed the functions of Deputy Director of the Department of Democratic Sustainability and Special Missions in the Political Affairs Secretariat where she led the development and implementation of a system for political analysis for the OAS General Secretariat.

Ms. Trigo has worked at the OAS since January 1999. She began her career at the OAS as part of the initial team of the Summit of the Americas Secretariat, supporting the preparation and negotiation process of the Declarations and Action Plans for the Quebec (2001), Monterrey (2004) and Mar del Plata (2006) Summits of the Americas.

Ms. Trigo previously worked at the Permanent Mission of Bolivia to the OAS as alternate representative with the responsibility of supporting the organization and negotiation of documents for the Summit on Sustainable Development held in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, in 1996.

Ms. Trigo has a Masters in International Relations from Georgetown University, Washington D.C., and a BA in Mathematics from St. Mary's College in South Bend, Indiana.
Principal Specialists
Rebeca Omaña
Silverio Zebral
Betty Arevalo

Helena Fonseca
Maria Paula Gandur
Emmanuelle Pelletier

Hugo Inga
Matthias Jagger
Mike Mora
Julián Najles
Andrea Samayoa
Maria Fernanda Salgado