Guide of Strategies and Mechanisms for Effective Public Management (GEMGPE) - Jamaica


Section 69 of the Political Constitution states that the Cabinet is the principal instrument of policy charged with the general direction and control of the Government of Jamaica.

The Prime Minister attends and preside all the meetings of the Cabinet, but in his absence another Minister, appointed by him, may preside (Section 75 of the Political Constitution). Furthermore, there is also a Secretary to the Cabinet in charge of the Cabinet Office, who is responsible - in accordance with the instructions given to him by the Prime Minister, for keeping the minutes, arranging the business and the meetings of the Cabinet and conveying the decisions of the Cabinet to the appropriate person or authority (Section 92 of the Political Constitution).

The Cabinet is supported by a Cabinet Committee system which, as in most Commonwealth countries, largely serves two main purposes: to relieve the burden on the Cabinet; and to provide a mechanism for more in-depth collective consideration of major policy issues and matters of significant public interest. The recommendations of all Cabinet Committees are then referred to the Cabinet for final decision.

The structure of the Government of Jamaica is outlined in the ten chapters of the Political Constitution. The Queen is head of state, and, on the advice of the Prime Minister, she appoints a Governor General to be her representative in Jamaica. The Governor General must have no affiliation to any political party. Neither the Queen nor the Governor General has any real authority in conducting the administration of the country. Real executive responsibilities rest with the elected representatives of the people, that is, through the Prime Minister who presides the Cabinet.

The Cabinet is supported by six Cabinet Committees:

  • Human Resources Committee
  • International Relations and Trade Committee
  • Legislation Committee
  • Public Order Committee
  • Economic Development Committee
  • Privatisation Committee

The mission statement of the Cabinet Office is "to provide the Prime Minister and his Cabinet with high quality information and policy advisory services leading to sound and timely Cabinet decisions that are effectively implemented by line Ministries and to lead to reform of the Public Service to one that is more efficient, effective, accountable, and that treats the public as valuable customers."

The functions of the Cabinet Office are the following:

  • Developing Cabinet's forward agenda;
  • Initiating and participating in key meetings leading up to the formulation of policy;
  • Ensuring an adequate degree of inter-departmental consultation on proposals for Cabinet Decision;
  • Providing an independent perspective on departmental proposals;
  • Controlling the quality and content of information reaching Cabinet and Cabinet Committees by reviewing all materials in advance;
  • Controlling the issues that come before the Cabinet for discussion by managing Cabinet's agenda;
  • Briefing the Prime Minister on his/her role as Chairman of Cabinet and Cabinet Committee Chairmen on the handling of issues coming before Cabinet or a Committee of it;
  • Recording and disseminating Cabinet Decisions.

There are three major areas covered under the Cabinet Office's portfolio responsibilities:

  • Modernisation - An effort to reform public service agencies to improve service delivery and performance.
  • Legislation - A table of bills to be passed into law as being considered by the Cabinet
  • Policies - A list of officially accepted guidelines developed within Government Agencies to manage business objectives.

The organization of the Cabinet is supported by six Cabinet Committees:

1. Human Resources Committee. It is established to advance human and social development in Jamaica through the:

  • Promotion and development of coordinated policies and programs geared at improvements in health care, education and training, and in the living and working conditions of Jamaicans;
  • Establishment of policies and programs to promote the development of youth and other vulnerable persons and groups in the Jamaican society, with a view to enhancing their participation in social, cultural, political and economic activities;
  • Promotion and development of programs supportive of the establishment and maintenance of a healthy human environment, family life and supportive community organizations; and
  • Transformation of the Education Sector.

The members of the Human Resources Committee are:

The attendants of the Human Resources Committee are:

2. International Relations and Trade Committee. Its functions are the following:

  • Review Cabinet submissions which have implications for foreign policy and make recommendations for Cabinet approval;
  • Receive and review reports from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade on Jamaica's adherence to obligations as a signatory to international treaties, agreements and protocols;
  • Review recommendations from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade with regard to any change(s) in obligations, including continuation of existing membership, as well as consideration of new membership; and
  • Review recommendations from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade regarding negotiations being conducted in the international forums, in order to ensure that negotiating positions benefit from the input of resource personnel interested in and knowledgeable about the subject area.

The members of the International Relations and Trade Committee are:

The attendants of the International Relations and Trade Committee are:

3. Legislation Committee. It is established to:

  • Decide on the Legislation Program for the Legislative Year (which is concurrent with the Financial Year). In collaboration with the relevant Ministries, the Committee is to decide on the priority issues through a process of negotiation. Where there are competing priorities on the Legislation Program consideration is to be given to the level of preparedness of the Bill and the desired timing for submission and approval;
  • In special cases, as decided by the Cabinet, consider recommendations for the settling of drafting instructions;
  • Examine draft Bills and other proposed legislation and recommend changes whether (1) related to the actual subject matter; or (2) those which, though not authorized by Cabinet, are regarded as important to be suggested for its consideration. Where deemed necessary, Submissions requiring further clarification and additional information, should be referred back to the sponsoring Ministry; and
  • Recommend to the Cabinet, for its approval and subsequent tabling in the Houses of Parliament, Bills and other proposed legislation.

The members of the Legislation Committee are:

The attendants of the Legislation Committee are:

4. Public Order Committee. It is established to:

  • Provide direction, coordination, integration and monitoring of policies in the areas of security, law enforcement and public order, in keeping with the National Security Policy;
  • Influence the reinforcement of positive values and attitudes and civility in personal interactions as a basis for non-violent conflict resolution;
  • Promote strategies, including a combination of public education and rigorous enforcement to restore order in public spaces;
  • Approve a sustainable national program and action plan for the promotion of road safety, in keeping with the Road Safety Policy, by:
    • Encouraging the formulation of mechanisms to ensure that activities developed in the action plan will be incorporated in strategic plans and schedule work plans for implementation by relevant ministries/agencies;
    • Lobbying for the provision of required financial resources to fund scheduled programs and activities, including the establishment of a road safety fund;
    • Overseeing the revision and/or formulation of appropriate legislation to promote road safety; and
    • Reviewing periodically, the effectiveness of programs to ensure stated outcomes are achieved.

The members of the Public Order Committee are:

The ministers and officials in attendance of the Public Order Committee are:

The officials in attendance for Road Safety Issues of the Public Order Committee are:

5. Economic Development Committee. It is established to:

  • Consider major policy and strategic issues;
  • Review the implementation of major strategic development projects in order to facilitate their smooth and timely implementation; and
  • Review the Government's Medium-Term Economic Programme.

The members of the Economic Development Committee are:

The ministers and officials in attendance of the Economic Development Committee are:

5.1. Infrastructure Subcommittee of the Economic Development Committee. It is established to recommend contracts for approval by the Cabinet, ensure compliance of proposed infrastructure related contracts submitted for the Cabinet's approval with the existing policy framework, and make recommendations to the Cabinet for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the contracts award system.

The members of the Infrastructure Subcommittee are:

The ministers and officials in attendance of the Infrastructure Subcommittee are:

6. Privatisation Committee. It is established to:

a) Give general oversight of the Government of Jamaica's privatisation programme and public-private partnership (PPP) programme; and
b) Consider all matters on which a Cabinet Decision is required for privatisation and PPP transactions, and make its recommendation to full Cabinet. The Committee will review recommendations made by the Privatisation Agency (Development Bank of Jamaica) prior to their being submitted to Cabinet for final approval.

The members of this Committee are:

Last update: June 18, 2013