Guide of Strategies and Mechanisms for Effective Public Management (GEMGPE) - Jamaica

Long-Term Vision

Vision 2030 Jamaica - National Development Plan is the country's first long-term National Development Plan which aims to put Jamaica in a position to achieve developed country status by 2030. It is based on a comprehensive vision: "Jamaica, the place of choice to love, work, raise families, and do business".

This Vision envisages a major transformation from a middle income developing country to one which affords its citizens a high quality of life and world-class standards in critical areas including education, health care, nutrition, basic amenities, access to environmental goods and services, civility and social order.

In the Jamaican context, these elements are fundamental to the achievement of progress towards a more sustainable society which integrates and balances the economic, social, environmental, and governance components of national development - a development that "meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs" (Vision 2030 Jamaica - National Development Plan, page XXII).

Vision 2030 Jamaica - National Development Plan is built on four (4) strategic goals for the country's development. These goals are the following: Goal 1: Jamaicans are empowered to achieve their fullest potential; Goal 2: The Jamaican society is safe, cohesive and just, Goal 3: Jamaica's economy is prosperous; and Goal 4: Jamaica has a healthy natural environment (Vision 2030 Jamaica - National Development Plan, page XXIV).

Vision 2030 Jamaica - National Development Plan's planning process was proposed by the Government of Jamaica (GoJ) in order to achieve a sustainable economy, society and environment; a high level of human capital development; greater opportunities and access to these opportunities for the population; and a high level human security.

The Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ) was mandated by the GoJ (2006) to guide the process of preparing a long-term national development plan to enable Jamaica to achieve developed country status by 2030.

In this planning process, PIOJ through its Plan Development Unit was supported by (Vision 2030 Jamaica - National Development Plan, page XIV):

1. Government ministries and agencies, including: the Cabinet Office, and Jamaican Diaspora Advisory Board who acted decisively to specify their vision of a secure and prosperous future by 2030;
2. The Opposition, which mandated and guided the planning process;
3. Plan Advisory Group (PAG) and the industry leaders who brought perspectives from their respective fields to the early stages of the Plan formulation process;
3. Private sector, academia, society civil, non-state actors (Non Governmental Organizations-NGOs, Community-Based Organizations-CBOs, and trade unions); and
4. The Caribbean Development Bank, Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), and other international development partners which provided financial and other resources to start and maintain the process.

Vision 2030 Jamaica - National Development Plan comprises the following four (4) strategic goals:

1. Jamaicans are empowered to achieve their fullest potential: This goal establishes the need to create a society in which all Jamaicans are empowered to participate fully in the development of their country and to develop their talents and abilities, thereby elevating their standard of living and quality of life (Vision 2030 Jamaica - National Development Plan, page 19).

This goal comprises the following national outcomes:

  1. National Outcome 1: A Healthy and Stable Population
  2. National Outcome 2: World-Class Education and Training
  3. National Outcome 3: Effective Social Protection
  4. National Outcome 4: Authentic and Transformational Culture

2. The Jamaican society is secure, cohesive and just: This goal establishes the importance of a society that is safe, respects the rights of all, operates with a sense of shared values and offers justice and fair play in the eyes of its members (Vision 2030 Jamaica - National Development Plan, page 22).

This goal comprises the following national outcomes:

  1. National Outcome 5: Security and Safety
  2. National Outcome 6: Effective Governance

3. Jamaica's economy is prosperous: Its mission is to prepare the conditions and means by which firms and individuals in the country can create wealth with ever-increasing levels of productivity (Vision 2030 Jamaica - National Development Plan, page 24).

This goal comprises the following national outcomes:

  1. National Outcome 7: A Stable Macro-economy
  2. National Outcome 8: An Enabling Business Environment
  3. National Outcome 9: Strong Economic Infrastructure
  4. National Outcome 10: Energy Security and Efficiency
  5. National Outcome 11: A Technology-Enabled Society
  6. National Outcome 12: Internationally Competitive Industry Structures

4. Jamaica has a healthy natural environment: Thos goal recognize the importance of the natural environment and ensures harmony among development activities, environmental sustainability and conversation of the country's natural resources (Vision 2030 Jamaica - National Development Plan, page 30)

This goal comprises the following national outcomes:

  • National Outcome 13: Sustainable Management and Use of Environmental and Natural Resources
  • National Outcome 14: Hazard Risk Reduction and Adaptation to Climate Change
  • National Outcome 15: Sustainable Urban and Rural Development

Last update: June 18, 2013