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Inter-American Peace Forum 2008

On September 23rd, 2008, the Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), Jose Miguel Insulza, together with Nobel Peace Laureate and current Costa Rican President, Oscar Arias, formally launched the Inter-American Peace Forum in order to consolidate OAS efforts in developing a new hemispheric peace agenda.



From left to right: José Miguel Insulza, Secretary General of the OAS and Oscar Arias Sánchez, President of Costa Rica and Nobel Peace Laureate; at the launch of the Inter-American Peace Forum on September 23, 2008 Inaugural Session of the Inter-American Peace Forum in the Hall of the Americas, OAS, Washington, D.C., September, 2008
Speech of the President of the Republic of Costa Rica, Oscar Arias Sanchez
“Peace in the Americas” Conference, OAS, Washington D.C., September 23, 2008
86K download
Palabras del Embajador Arístides Royo en el Foro Interamericano de la Paz que tuvo lugar en la OEA el día 23 de septiembre de 2008.
(Only Available in Spanish)
86K download
Remarks by Ambassador Albert R. Ramdin, Assistant Secretary General
First Seminar of the Inter-American Peace Forum, 23 September 2008
86K download
Statement by Ambassador Nestor Mendez, Chair of the Permanent Council of the OAS
Inter-American Peace Forum Luncheon, September 23, 2008
76K download
Inaugural Ceremony, Inter-American Peace Forum. Dr. José Miguel Insulza
Secretary General of the OAS
49K download
Inter-American Peace Forum 2008
Press Releases
OEA crea Foro de la Paz 85K download

La OEA Crea un Programa Destinado a Promover La Cultura de Paz 70K download

PressReleases OAS 77K download

Media-newswire 77K download

Laprensalibre 142K download

Laprensalibre2 142K download

MetroLatinoUSA 67K download

MetroLatinoUSA2 58K download

Costa Rican President Oscar Arias To Be Featured at Launch of Interamerican Peace Forum 114K download

El presidente de Costa Rica pide reinvertir el presupuesto de defensa en educación 104K download

Arias Aboga por Consenso de Costa Rica 101K download

El Gasto de America Latina en Armas es Irracional, OEA 90K download

Fórum Interamericano discutirá políticas de preservação no Brasil 1077K download

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