Department for the Promotion of Peace

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Inter-American Peace Forum

The Peace Fund gratefully acknowledges the generous contribution from the Kingdom of Spain to support this program.
Historically, the Western Hemisphere has been characterized as a region of hope for millions of human beings. This is a Continent known for its constant struggle for liberty, justice, prosperity and peace. Despite the significant strides achieved in recent years in terms of economic growth, this region continues to be the most unequal, where the gap between rich and poor is increasingly larger. Peace is directly related to social and material progress; it is an essential ingredient in the process of development and poverty alleviation. Since its founding, the Organization of American States has supported Member States in overcoming their development and security challenges and it has done so by adapting its functions and responding to the dynamic and continuous needs of the Hemisphere’s community of nations. It has demonstrated flexibility while always maintaining its commitment to preserve peace and to respect the basic principles of international law. For this reason, the OAS must continue to work proactively to further understanding and collaboration between the peoples of this Hemisphere, as well as to promote a continued dialogue on the main challenges to hemispheric peace.

Likewise the Organization must firmly advance in identifying long-term initiatives that can strengthen the inter-American brotherhood, ensure lasting regional peace, and stimulate regional cooperation. In order to consolidate the prominent role that the OAS has played and continues to play in conflict resolution, hemispheric peace and problem-solving initiatives, as well as in promoting a system of individual liberty and social justice based on respect for the essential rights of man, in compliance with the OAS founding Charter, the Secretariat for Political Affairs launched a new program titled the Inter-American Peace Forum in September 2008, which operates under the Peace Fund, in an effort to develop a series of activities aimed at promoting a culture of peace among the various sectors of the inter-American society. These are different types of programs, such as conferences and seminars on the subject of peace and conflict management; specialized reports and publications; the promotion of leadership, as well as other initiatives with a special emphasis on the peaceful resolution of conflicts and fostering a culture of respect, tolerance and harmony.
Annual Forum
The Inter-American Peace Forum will be held each year on September 21st or on the closest business day to that date which was designated International Peace Day by the United Nations General Assembly in 1981.

Inter American Peace Forum 2010

OAS Peace Missions: a Twenty-Year Retrospective

The OAS has been a key guarantor of peace in the Americas, taking the lead in the prevention, management and peaceful resolution of several intra- and interstate disputes that have affected the region. To commemorate the International Day of Peace, a global call for cease-fire and non-violence, and to mark the 20th Anniversary of the International Commission for Support and Verification (CIAV-Nicaragua), the first civilian OAS peacekeeping mission, the OAS Peace Fund offered a look back into decades of hemispheric peacekeeping and peace-building efforts, by gathering the chiefs of some the most significant OAS Peace Missions.

See full program

Photo Gallery


Roberto Menendez - Presentation CIAV-OEA (RM) Download

Colin Granderson - OAS Peace Forum-MICIVIH Download

Marcelo Alvarez - Speech Download

Raul Lago - Talking Points Download

Edgardo Reis - Special Mission to Suriname Download

Press Releases

September 22, 2010
In Celebration of International Peace Day, OAS Takes Stock of Missions for the Wellbeing of the Hemisphere

September 18, 2010
OAS Celebrates Peace Week September 20-26

Past years Forum:

Inter American Peace Forum 2009

Inter American Peace Forum 2008

Thematic Seminars
With the goal of generating and maintaining a constant dialogue among the different sectors of the inter-American society on the subject of promoting a culture of peace and conflict resolution, a series of thematic seminars will be held between the Annual Forums dealing with the latest developments in these areas. Panels of experts will meet at these seminars to exchange opinions and experiences on the challenges and opportunities in the search for understanding, tolerance and agreement. The reports and results of these seminars will be presented at the Annual Forums.

Course on Peace, Democracy and Conflict Resolution
Washington, D.C.
September 22-23, 2010

Corporate and Social Responsibility to Promote a Culture of Peace
Buenos Aires, Argentina
October, 2010

Peace and Water Conference
Washington, D.C.

Binational Meeting of Water Experts
Esmeraldas River Basin

Meeting of Water Authorities
San Juan River Basin

Indigenous People and Peace-Building Experiences La Paz, Bolivia
August 13-14, 2009

The Small Business of Rural Tourism as an Income Generator Course

Haifa, Israel
July 26th - August 12th, 2009

Democratization of Knowledge to Create a Culture of Peace
Montevideo, Uruguay
April 29-30, 2009
Cultural Activities
The inter-American Peace Forum will also carry out concerts, exhibitions, academic lectures, and other cultural activities aimed at promoting a culture of peace, brotherhood, and mutual respect.

The Day After Peace
Documentary Screening
Hall of the Americas, OAS
Washington, D.C.
September 23, 2009

Notas de Paz
Chamber Orchestra Concert
Hall of the Americas, OAS
Washington, D.C.
September 25, 2009

Selected Art Works Related to the Theme of Peace
Permanent Collection of the Art Museum of the Americas
OAS Main Building
Washington, D.C.
September, 2009

Photography Exhibition - Historical Photographs Related to Peace Efforts in the Americas
Hall of the Americas, OAS
Washington, D.C.
September, 2009

OAS Main Building
Washington, D.C.
September 26, 2009
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