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Ministries, high authorities and technical officers of social development and labor of the OAS member states participated at this seminar, as well as representatives from international organizations.
This activity follows up on the mandate received from the First Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities of Social Development, which requested CIDES to promote exchange of experiences on mechanisms for income generation among vulnerable and poor populations.
• Agenda
• List of Participants
Income generation and employability in the context of a global crisis
• Andrés Marinakis, Labor Market and Institutional Policies Specialist, International Labor Organization
• David Rosas Shady, Unit of Labor Markets, Inter American Development Bank
Towards an intersectorial approach on the institutionality of employment and income generation policies in the Americas
• Carolina Avalos de Trigueros, Advisor and National Coordinator of the Universal Social Protection System, El Salvador
• Diego Molano, Director, Presidential Agency for Social Action and International Cooperation, Colombia
Employability and income generation for vulnerable populations
• Eileen Muirragui, Chief, Latin America and the Caribbean Division, Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Human Trafficking, Bureau of International Labor, Affairs Department of Labor, United States
Successful Experiences in income generation for extreme poor and vulnerable populations
• Pablo Coloma, Executive Director, Social Investment and Solidarity Fund, Chile
• Paul-Henry Boisvert, Adminsitrative Director, Ministry of Social and Labour Affairs, Haiti
Comments and general conclusions on the panels
• Rosana Martinelli, Social Development Specialist, Department of Social Development and Employment. OAS
Field Visit: Innovative Experiences on income generation for poor extreme poor and vulnerable populations
• Pablo Ariel Gómez. Director Social Programs, Social Action
• The employment situation in Latin America and the Caribbean. Crisis in the Labor Markets and countercyclical responses
ECLAC-ILO Bulletin, No.2
• The employment situation in Latin America and the Caribbean. Crisis and the Labor Market
ECLAC-ILO Bulletin, No.1
• Social and Labor Market Policies for Tumultuous Times
Inter-American Development Bank
• Informative Bulletin