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Inter-American Committee on Social Development President Bachelet supports the creation of an Inter-American Social Protection Network During the Special Session, President Bachelet argued that “democratic culture is the heritage of all” and that “for the democratic system to function as it should there must also be more and better social protection”. She added that “the conditions of exclusion and inequality that still prevail in the region hamper the achievement of these goals”. The President emphasized that the vision of a State of Well-Being involves “a new notion of State for a new democracy. That is to say, a network of policies, services, and programs to bring about the social rights we recognize for our citizens. That definitely enables us to support the most vulnerable groups, those who, historically, have been discriminated against; and to open up new opportunities and narrow the inequalities that affect our societies”. In that regard, President Bachelet and OAS Secretary General, Jose Miguel Insulza, signed a letter of understanding aimed at promoting social protection initiatives and schemes, and sharing achieved results within the framework of the Inter-American Social Protection Network. During the last few years, the OAS-through its Department of Social Development and Employment, has been promoting the exchange of best practices in the field of social protection. In addition, and in order to expand its experience throughout the region, the Department is currently working to create the Inter-American Social Protection Network in collaboration with Member States and other institutions. This is in response to mandates received by the Ministers and High Level Authorities on Social Development. In their first Inter-American meeting held in July of 2008 in Reñaca, Chile, Member States requested that an Inter-American Social Protection Network be established within the framework of the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development. The network aims to foster the exchange and transfer of experiences on innovative programs to fight poverty and inequality, in order to contribute towards the promotion of integral development, cohesion and social inclusion. Given some of the achievements in this area and the importance which this topic has acquired in the context of the current economic crisis, Heads of State and Government reiterated this request in the framework of the V Summit of the Americas held in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, in April of 2009. For more information, please view the English translation of the Letter of intent between the Government of Chile and the General Secretariat of the OAS to continue promoting social protection programs in the framework of the Inter-American Network for Social Protection
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Web page of micro, small and medium Enterprises
Permanent Portfolio of Consolidated Programs (2005 version)
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First Hemispheric Workshop on Occupational Health and Safety
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High Level Meeting on Poverty, Equity and Social Inclusion
In addressing a Special Session of the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States (OAS) held on June 24 of 2009, President Bachelet of Chile expressed her government’s support for the creation of an Inter-American Social Protection Network. This is an initiative that was endorsed by OAS Member States at the V Summit of the Americas.