Metrology for Sustainable Energy Technologies and the Environment (M4SET)

Capacity Assessment Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Laboratories at the Bureau of Standards of Jamaica (BSJ)

From June 11 to 13, 2019 Intertek performed an assessment of the Bureau of Standards of Jamaica (BSJ) to operate internationally recognized energy efficiency (EE) testing laboratories for refrigerating appliances, mini-split and window air-conditioner units.

The assessment performed by Intertek included the identification of gaps in the quality management system, infrastructure, procedures, personnel and the overall management of the laboratory. Additionally, concrete recommendations to close these gaps were provided by the expert hired by OAS/DSD.

Through this Assessment the BSJ was provided with a comprehensive list of improvements that need to be made and recommendations that will improve the technical capacity and financial sustainability of the laboratory.

The activity was organized by the Organization of American States (OAS) in coordination with Bureau of Standards of Jamaica (BSJ), Intertek, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

Since 2016, the OAS implements the M4SET project geared toward advancing metrology for sustainable energy technologies and the environment in the Americas. The project contributes to strengthen the measuring capacities of institutions in charge of metrology in energy efficiency, renewable energy, air quality, and greenhouse gases. Activities are designed to expand the uptake of sustainable energy technologies and to foster low carbon growth in the Americas.

To assess the capacity of the BSJ in order to serve the fifteen (15) Member States of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM).
Countries and Institutions 
CARIMET (Jamaica).

NORAMET (United States).
Organization of the American States (OAS).
CARICOM Regional Organisation for Standards and Quality (CROSQ).
Department of Sustainable Development (DSD)
Sustainable Energy
Contact: Bibiana Serna
Phone:(202) 370-4902 -