Metrology for Energy Efficient Technologies(M4EE)

Participating Countries

Central America and Dominican Republic


To strengthen capabilities of government officials and technical stakeholders to perform energy efficiency measurement and compliance assessments in equipment and appliances, as means to contribute to a sustainable energy policy development in the region.


Developing energy efficiency regulations for appliances and equipment requires the use of accurate energy performance measurement standards and procedures, as well as a coordinated and concerted action among decision makers, regulators and the quality infrastructure community. The M4EE project has been designed to support capacity building, knowledge sharing, research opportunities and collaborative activities that strengthen metrology capabilities of stakeholders engaged in the implementation and enforcement of energy efficiency regulations nationally and regionally. At the regional level the project offers support to the implementation of the Central America Technical Regulation on Energy Efficiency (RTCA) for household appliances and equipment, such as lighting fixtures, refrigerators, air conditioners, and motors.

Benefits of the M4EE Project
  • Improved metrology’s infrastructure for energy efficiency.
  • Institutional strengthening on technical capabilities needed for regulation development, accreditation and certification of energy efficiency.
  • Increased communication between regulators and technical agencies involved on energy and policy-making.
  • Increased knowledge on testing, conformity assessment, energy performance standards, labeling and enforcement protocols for energy-efficiency.
  • Regional integration and cooperation to tackle energy and standards harmonization issues.
  • Engage government officials and metrology communities to respond to the technical needs arising as part of the implementation of the commitments to reduce GHG emissions and improve air quality.
Implementing Partners


OAS                                      NIST             

Department of Sustainable Development (DSD)
Sustainable Energy
Contact: Bibiana Serna
Phone:(202) 370-4902 -

The first Face-to-Face Meeting of the SICA Energy Efficiency Technical Group (GTEE)
The activity took place on November 6 and 7, 2019 at SICA headquarters in San Salvador. It had the participation of GTEE members and normalization entities of 7 SICA member states… ...


CIE 2019, the 29th Session of the CIE, Washington DC
Three members of the SICA Energy Efficiency Technical Group (GTEE) participate in the 29th conference of the International Lighting Commission (CIE), from June 14-17, 2019 in Washington DC ...

Technical Workshop and Recommendations RTCA and PEC- SICA
The activity was held on March 25 and 26, 2019 in Guatemala city, with the participation of 25 representatives from the Energy Ministries of SICA member states, and experts on EE Policy and Regulation (CLASP), normalization (CONUEE- Mexico), and metrology...

Inter-comparison between ICE (Costa Rica) and NIST (USA)         On January 2019 ICE (Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad) and The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) completed the process of inter-comparison of high resistance values, which aimed at comparing the measurement capabilities ...

Technical Exchange between Panama and Honduras
On November 4 of 2017, the OAS received a draft activity application form from the National Metrology Institute of Honduras (Centro Hondureño de Metrología- CEHM) to implement a two weeks technical exchange on electrical measurements...