Metrology for Energy Efficient Technologies (M4EE)

Technical Exchange between Panama and Honduras

On November 4 of 2017, the OAS received an activity application form from the National Metrology Institute of Honduras (Centro Hondureño de Metrología- CEHM) to implement a two weeks technical exchange on electrical measurements with the National Metrology Institute of Panama (Centro National de Metrología de Panama – CENAMEP). Panama is a regional leader with well-developed capabilities in this field.

The proposal was aligned with the M4EE scope of work; therefore it was approved and implemented from December 11 to 22, 2017. Mr. Gerson Garcia from CEHM received the two weeks training on traceability of millimeters and multifunction and energy measurement equipment in the metrology laboratories of CENAMEP.

This training, according to the proposal received, will be helpful for CEHM in order to develop new services on electrical measurements.

To train the technical personnel responsible for implement calibration services in Energy measurement devices and Electric Variables, and provide traceability in the country that is responsibility of the Honduran Center of Metrology CEHM, as established by the Law of the System National Quality.
Participated Countries
CAMET (Honduras and Panama).
Organization of the American States (OAS).
Centro Hondureño de Metrología (CEHM).
Centro Nacional de Metrología de Panamá (CENAMEP).
Department of Sustainable Development (DSD)
Sustainable Energy
Contact: Bibiana Serna
Phone:(202) 370-4902 -