Consultation on strategic lawsuits against public participation in the Americas

The Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) is preparing a report on strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPPs) and the standards applicable to address this phenomenon. The purpose of this report is to offer a diagnosis of the problem in the Americas, to compile the standards of international human rights law applicable to the issue, and to compile good practices to counteract the phenomenon.

Deadline to respond : November 8, 2024

Send replies to : CIDHexpresion@oas.org

Format : The questionnaire may be answered partially or completely, depending on the information available; research, reports, guides and other documents relevant to the topic may be submitted. The information should be concise, objective, with verifiable sources and up-to-date, and may include figures and statistics related to the topic. The information may be submitted in Spanish, English, and/or Portuguese.

Call for Inputs: Climate Justice and Human Rights

The Office of the Special Rapporteurship on Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights (REDESCA) of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) calls to National Human Rights Institutions, civil society organizations and other interested actors in the region to submit written contributions regarding the challenges, good practices and measures adopted or promoted in response to the climate emergency from an environmental and climate justice perspective.

This call aims to gather relevant inputs on successful experiences, achievements, and lessons learned, as well as to identify replicable models that can be used to strengthen public policies and collective actions on climate justice and human rights. Contributions may also address the disproportionate effects of the climate crisis on vulnerable populations, including indigenous people, Afro-descendants, women, children, and coastal communities.

Detailed contributions are welcomed, including information on policy measures, community projects, strategic litigation, awareness campaigns and any other efforts related to the protection of human rights in the context of the climate crisis.

Deadline to respond: 04 October 2024 until 23:59 EST. The deadline has been extended to October 11, 2024 (23:59 EST).

Send responses to: CIDH_DESCA@oas.org, and include in the subject line of the email: “Call for Contributions- Climate Justice and Human Rights”.

Questionnaire for consultation on human mobility and climate change

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) is preparing a draft resolution on the link between human mobility, climate change and socio-environmental disasters in the Americas.   

The draft resolution aims, on the one hand, to address this issue in an integral and comprehensive manner. On the other hand, to serve as a guide for OAS Member States in the emerging development of their legislation, regulations, administrative decisions, public policies, programmes and relevant jurisprudence.    

In this vein, the resolution aims to establish guidelines based on an authentic interpretation of the Inter-American instruments in force, specifying the applicable human rights standards. This, with the aim of adjusting to the needs and challenges posed by human mobility induced or aggravated by climate change in the Americas.   

Based on the information received, it is expected that there will be greater clarity on the progress and challenges in this area. It is also expected to contribute to support States in the development of their public policies aimed at protecting people who must move in the context of the climate emergency. 

In this regard, the IACHR invites to the national institutions on human rights, international organizations, civil society organizations and academic institutions, as well as human rights defenders and any other interested person, to submit in writing information that they consider relevant to the purpose of this resolution. On the understanding that the purpose of the resolution is about an agenda under construction, issues are provided as merely illustrative reference points to guide the formulation of inputs. 

The deadline to submit the requested information expires on September 20, 2024, and must be sent electronically at this linkThe deadline has been extended until September 30, 2024

Questionnaire for consultation: Study on the "challenges for guaranteeing the rights of children in latin america and the caribbean"

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights will prepare, in the course of this year, a study on the challenges in guaranteeing the rights of children in the face of different movements that seek to regress in the enjoyment of these rights, in the different countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.

The study aims to identify and evaluate the dynamics and strategies that these movements use to curb and/or limit the enjoyment of rights by children. These strategies include the adoption of laws and/or public policies that would represent a setback in the guarantee of rights previously consolidated or that have made great progress at the internal level of each State, among which are: i) the right to comprehensive protection by the State, ii) the right to live in a family,  the right to live a life free of violence, iii) rights in the framework of criminal proceedings, iv) the right to non-discrimination, the right to quality education, sexual and reproductive rights, and v) the right to participation.

Based on the information received through this questionnaire, there will be greater clarity on the current progress and challenges for the protection of children in the context of the actions of these movements. In this regard, the IACHR will be able to emphasize the urgency of States having effective public policies aimed at comprehensively protecting the rights of children in the face of regressive actions. 

The questionnaire can be answered partially or totally; Research, reports, and other documents already prepared or published that are relevant to the topic may be submitted as annexes.

The deadline to submit the requested information expires on August 30, 2024 , and must be sent electronically at this link.

For any questions or clarifications regarding this questionnaire, please contact Cristina Huayamave, at the following address: CIDHMonitoreo@oas.org

Consultation questionnaire on digital surveillance technologies and human rights for the preparation of a thematic report

The Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) will prepare a thematic report focused on the use of digital surveillance technologies in the Americas, highlighting their impact on the right to freedom of expression, freedom of the press, and human rights and the rule of law in general. The report will assess the implications of the surveillance abuses documented over the past years in the region, and will examine existing impediments to transparency, remedy, and non-repetition of misuse. It will explore best practices for establishing public oversight and accountability in digital surveillance that will effectuate the rights implicated, restore public confidence in their protection, and prevent further abuses. In addition, the report will advance inter-American standards and formulate recommendations to States and the private sector to address these challenges.

In this context, the Office of the Special Rapporteur invites States, civil society organizations, journalists and the media, human rights defenders, researchers and academic institutions, and other interested persons to submit information they consider relevant on the subject, particularly those aspects identified in the annexed Questionnaire.

Deadline to respond: August 30, 2024

Send replies to: CIDHexpresion@oas.org

Format: Spanish, English, French or Portuguese. Concise, objective answers with verifiable sources. Can be answered in whole or in part. In addition, other supporting materials may be attached to the submission, such as reports, academic studies and other types of reference materials already prepared and/or published that are relevant to the topic.

Public Consultation Questionnaire on Freedom of Expression and Unprotected Speech

The Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) is preparing a thematic report on the interaction between freedom of expression, equality and non-discrimination of groups historically marginalized from public debate in order to advance standards regarding the content and scope of Article 13.5 of the American Convention on Human Rights.

In this context, the Office of the Special Rapporteur invites civil society organizations, international organizations, human rights defenders, academic organizations, institutions and interested individuals to submit relevant information in writing for this report.

They are also invited to express interest in participating in the virtual public consultation that will take place on July 1, 2024 , where registered and confirmed organizations and individuals will also have the opportunity to submit oral inputs.

Written submissions deadline: July 8th, 2024

Application deadline to participate in the online public consultation: June 21, 2024 (Washington, D.C. time)

Send responses to: CIDHexpresion@oas.org

For more information on the issues to be addressed, requirements for submission of written observations and registration for the online consultation, please review the attached questionnaire.

Cuestionario para elaboración del informe temático sobre la desaparición de personas en México

La Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) elaborará un informe temático sobre la desaparición de personas en México con el objetivo de abordar los avances y desafíos respecto de la desaparición de personas en México.

En este marco, la Comisión invita a las organizaciones de la sociedad civil, personas defensoras de derechos humanos, organizaciones académicas, instituciones y personas interesadas, remitir información sobre los temas incluidos en anexo.

El cuestionario puede contestarse de forma parcial o total, dependiendo de la información disponible; se pueden presentar investigaciones, informes u otros documentos ya preparados y/o publicados que sean pertinentes al tema. Desde ya, la CIDH agradece las contribuciones que se reciban como insumos para la elaboración del presente informe.

Plazo para responder: 10 de julio de 2024 (horario de Washington, D.C.) . Se ha ampliado el plazo hasta el Viernes 9 de agosto de 2024.

Enviar respuesta a: cidhmonitoreo@oas.org, bajo el asunto informe temático sobre desaparición forzada – México

La información puede ser enviada en español o inglés. La información para enviar debe ser concisa, objetiva, con fuentes verificables, y en lo que corresponda referente a hechos ocurridos en los últimos 5 años.

Consultation questionnaire on exile of journalists in the Americas and its impact on freedom of expression

The Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) will prepare a report on the growing exile of journalists in the Americas, highlighting its impact on the right to freedom of expression and press, access to public information and democracy.

The objective of this report is to identify and make visible the underlying causes that drive journalists and communicators into exile, mainly related to violence and impunity and to the weakening of democratic institutions and the closure of civic spaces. It also aims to evaluate the impact of this trend on freedom of expression and other fundamental rights. In particular, the impact on diversity and pluralism of information and the right of access to information of public interest, due to the expansion of "zones of media silence". Finally, the report will formulate recommendations to the States to address these challenges.

In this context, the Office of the Special Rapporteur invites States, civil society organizations, journalists and the media, human rights defenders, researchers and academic institutions, and other interested persons to submit information they consider relevant on the subject.

Deadline to respond: May 10, 2024

Send replies to: CIDHexpresion@oas.org

Work Plan 2024 - 2026 of REDESCA: Strengthening ESCERs in the Americas

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), through its Office of the Special Rapporteur on Economic, Social, Cultural, and Environmental Rights (REDESCA), will develop its Work Plan for the period 2024 – 2026.

The objective of this Work Plan is to institutionalize the axes and priorities of action for REDESCA during the 2024-2026 period. In its preparation, a situational diagnosis will be conducted, and objectives and expectations regarding the role of the Office of the Special Rapporteur will be defined in order to identify the necessary innovations that REDESCA requires to continue addressing challenges related to Economic, Social, Cultural, and Environmental Rights (ESCER) in the Americas. This process is articulated with the guidelines of the 2023-2027 Strategic Plan of the IACHR, also aligning with the 2030 Agenda and mandates of the OAS General Assembly related to ESCER. This orientation allows the Office of the Special Rapporteur to strengthen synergy among the various mandates, functions, and mechanisms of the IACHR, with the aim of promoting and effectively safeguarding ESCER in the Americas.

In this context, REDESCA invites OAS member states, civil organizations, academic institutions, international human rights entities, and other stakeholders to submit information through the online questionnaire, the responses to which will be crucial for structuring our future initiatives and objectives.

Deadline for responses: February 4, 2024, until 23.59 GMT-5 (the deadline has been extended until February 11 23:59 GMT-5)

Submit responses to: CIDH_DESCA@oas.org, including in the email subject: "Online Consultation Questionnaire REDESCA Work Plan."


human rights situation of human rights defenders in the Americas

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) will prepare a third report on the human rights situation of human rights defenders in the Americas.

This third report aims to present the current panorama under which human rights defenders defend human rights on a regional and intersectional basis, identifying the main risks and threats they face that derive from their defense activities and the challenges presented for their effective protection.

Within this framework, the Commission invites States, civil society organizations, human rights defenders, academic organizations, institutions, and interested persons to submit information.

Deadline to respond: January 15, 2024 (deadline extended until March 15)

Send responses to: CIDHmonitoreo@oas.org.

Access to Inter-American Justice at the IACHR

Access to Inter-American Justice at the IACHR

I. Presentation

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (hereinafter "the Inter-American Commission", "the Commission" or "the IACHR") invites academia, donors, specialists, States, national human rights institutions, international organizations, human rights organizations, civil society organizations, and users, in general, to respond to the questionnaire on "Access to Inter-American Justice at the IACHR"1.

II. Target

To gather ideas on new measures or strategies that the Commission could implement to make the processes of deciding petitions and cases more efficient and transparent to increase their productivity and achieve more timely inter-American justice.

III. Instructions

The Executive Secretariat invites you to submit your responses to this online form with information on comparative experiences, best practices, reflections, or innovative ideas for more timely justice at the IACHR.

This questionnaire will be open from September 6, 2023, and will close on October 15, 2023. Those interested in participating may do so by completing the form that will be available on the web page: Questionnaires .

The deadline to receive responses to the questionnaire has been extended until December 18, 2023.

The information sent in response to the questions may refer to all or some of the items requested. The information may be provided in Spanish, English, Portuguese, or French. You are invited to respond directly to each of the questions asked, providing concrete and specific information on what you consider to be the most pertinent, significant, and/or relevant. The questions included in this questionnaire are made considering the legal framework in force that governs the actions of the Commission itself. Once the questionnaire is closed, the responses received will be systematized and considered by the Commission when optimizing or improving the processing and decision of petitions and cases.

IV. Background

The system of petitions and cases is a unique mechanism for the protection of human rights in the region. To the extent that it operates properly, victims have an instrument for resolving their claims that, in addition to providing comprehensive justice and reparation for the case, makes it possible to modify structural situations such as laws, policies, and practices in the States that affect human rights. The IACHR has historically made efforts to address the procedural backlog. Most recently, the implementation of its Strategic Plan 2017-2021 made it possible for it to achieve important results such as the significant elimination of petitions pending initial review, the simplification of processing in admissibility and merits, as well as an unprecedented increase in the production of reports, the use of the figure of the archive, and the sending of cases to the Inter-American Court. However, the number of pending cases in their admissibility and merits portfolios2 reflects the persistence of a procedural backlog that requires priority and constant attention to make procedures more efficient, strengthen case handling capacities, and adopt measures to reduce case portfolios. All of this is to achieve more timely justice.

After a consultation process that involved States and various civil society actors, the IACHR in its Strategic Plan 2023-2027 set as Objective No. 1 "Increase Access to Inter-American Justice". Specifically, the Commission adopted two programs to increase its productivity and impact through the system of petitions and cases: P1. Streamlining of processes and progressive reduction of procedural backlog and P3. Prioritization of petitions and cases to ensure more timely justice and the development of standards with a structural impact on the defense of human rights.

P1. Streamlining of processes and progressive reduction of procedural backlogs.

The purpose of this program is to adopt new measures to accelerate productivity and progressively reduce the case backlog. The Commission has prioritized the assignment of its professionals and consultants to decide cases at the merits stage. During the life of the Plan, the Commission will consider ways to improve existing measures or adopt new measures to address the backlog.

The specific lines of action of this program are as follows:

  1. Regarding management improvement, i) review the classification of the portfolio of petitions and cases and homogeneously improve their categorization into main and subsidiary themes in an electronic platform that facilitates their management; ii) increase and prioritize the allocation of resources and working groups for the preparation of reports on petitions and cases that enable a definitive resolution of the issues, and iii) strengthen the specialization of the teams by themes and contexts to optimize the consistency of the reports.
  2. Regarding the consolidation of existing strategies and the adoption of new measures to expedite and increase decision-making, i) conduct the initial study of petitions the same year they are received, with strict application of statutory and conventional criteria; ii) optimize and strictly apply the archiving policy by statutory criteria; iii) expand the use of strategies such as the joinder of petitions or cases when there is the identity of parties or similar facts or patterns, as well as the combination of decisions on admissibility and merits; iv) develop models and report formats for cases with similar themes and types of violations, to maintain consistency of reports and expedite their preparation, while safeguarding the uniqueness and particular circumstances of the victims; and v) compare experiences to address the procedural backlog and use better technologies to expedite case management and report preparation.

P3. Prioritization of petitions and cases to ensure more timely justice and the development of standards with a structural impact on the defense of human rights.

Although the IACHR has prioritized cases throughout its history and has reported on criteria in this regard, through this program the Commission has decided that it will study and adopt criteria for prioritizing petitions and cases that will enable it to manage pending matters more adequately and clearly, so that it can address in a more timely manner those matters that merit it. It is expected that the decisions adopted by the IACHR will not only be evaluated from a chronological perspective but also based on the greater impact and timeliness of its pronouncements on structural aspects, such as regulations or practices in the States that affect the enjoyment of human rights, thus preventing the occurrence of new violations and the filing of new petitions.  The policy eventually adopted by the IACHR will be reviewed periodically to ensure that, with the human and technical resources available, it can also continue to advance in the chronological order of the portfolio.

Regarding the consolidation of existing strategies and the adoption of new measures, the Commission decided to begin by conducting a study of comparative experiences in other justice systems. To this end, the Commission is implementing the Cycle of events: reflections and experiences for timely justice in the IACHR, to adopt measures to address the procedural backlog, and to analyze criteria for prioritizing petitions and cases, within the framework of the IACHR current regulations.

1 This questionnaire is not intended to obtain information on contentious cases pending before the Commission, nor should it be identified as a mechanism to obtain an indirect pronouncement on a matter in litigation or in dispute before this body.

2 The portfolio of admissibility and merits cases pending is 3,982 (2,036 admissibility petitions and 1,946 merits cases). Of this portfolio, only 58% is procedurally ready and pending for decision (a total of 2,296 cases, of which 1,057 are admissibility petitions and 1,239 cases on the merits).

Access to Information and Proactive Transparency Policy (AIPTP)

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) begins the public consultation process by inviting civil society organizations, international organizations, States, academia, specialists, and citizens in general on access to information and proactive transparency. 

The consultation is carried out through the online form and aims to identify topics or content that can strengthen efforts in this area.  Once the consultation process is concluded, the responses received will be systematized and adjustments will be made as deemed necessary and appropriate, taking into consideration the regulatory and institutional framework of the Organization of American States.


Following the Declaration of Principles on Freedom of Expression, prepared by the IACHR's Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression, the right of access to information is understood as the right of every person to obtain, investigate and transmit information through any channel of communication without discrimination of any kind. Its exercise is an element key to creating a culture of transparency in which the construction and participation of people are encouraged by providing them with tools that allow them to propose, intervene, follow up on community projects, and hold officials accountable for the decisions they make in the performance of their duties.

 The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, aware of the importance of guaranteeing the right of access to information for users, has developed its Access to Information and Proactive Transparency Policy (AIPTP), whose content conforms to the following: American Convention on Human Rights, the Inter-American Democratic Charter, OAS Resolution AG/RES. 2607 (XL-O/10), which approved the Inter-American Model Law on Access to Public Information; Resolution AG/RES. 2885 (XLVI-O/16) on the Inter-American Program on Access to Public Information; Executive Order No. 12-02, adopting the Access to Information Policy of the Organization of American States; as well as the Declaration of Principles on Freedom of Expression; Resolution No. 2/09 of the IACHR on Documents and Historical Archives of the Commission; and Program Number 24 of the Strategic Plan 2023-2027 of the IACHR in which it reaffirms the Commission's commitment to the implementation of a policy of access to information that helps to overcome barriers, expanding and diversifying access to users.

The AIPTP aims to regulate the conditions under which users are guaranteed that the right to access to information is upheld and received. Further, it wishes to assure that information generated by the IACHR related to its principal function of promoting the observance and defense of human rights, as well as that which has to do with the Executive Secretariat services it performs for the Commission, including the production of reports, resolutions, studies, correspondence and those documents that make up the files of the matters before the Commission, are also under regulated conditions. The AIPTP is a tool that will further strengthen the culture of active transparency and access to information at the IACHR since the implementation of its principles, procedures, exceptions, and obligations will help ensure that users have the guarantee that the exercise of their right of access to information is as broad and open as possible.

Based on ideas, the Commission is undertaking the public consultation process by inviting civil society organizations, international agencies, States, academia, specialists, and citizens. This consultation consists of responding to the electronic form designed to identify topics or content that can strengthen the efforts made by the Commission through its Executive Secretary. Once the consultation process has concluded, the IACHR will systematize the responses received and make the adjustments it deems necessary and appropriate, taking into consideration the regulatory and institutional framework of the Organization of American States.

Questionnaire on Poverty, Climate Change and DESCA in Central America and Mexico, in the Context of Human Mobility

The Special Rapporteurship on Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights (REDESCA) of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) will prepare a thematic report on POVERTY, CLIMATE CHANGE AND DESCA IN CENTRAL AMERICA AND MEXICO, IN THE CONTEXT OF HUMAN MOBILITY. The objective of the report is to carry out a broad diagnosis of the reasons underlying human mobility in the subregion from the perspective of guaranteeing ESCR, with particular emphasis on the dimensions of poverty, inequality and climate change.

For the purposes of this report, the countries comprising Central America will be Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Panama and Nicaragua. Mexico is also included due to its geographic proximity and geopolitical importance. For the purposes of this report, the phenomenon of human mobility will be analyzed in a comprehensive manner, i.e., covering the different forms of massive flows of people, whether by internal or cross-border displacement, without distinguishing the aspects that characterize each of the manifestations of mobility - migration, refuge, asylum, internal displacement, etc. - with respect to the scope and national and international protection of their human rights.

REDESCA invites interested individuals and institutions to submit their responses to this questionnaire with information on statistical data, regulatory framework, public policies, protection mechanisms, challenges and best practices, no later than April 30, 2023 .

Responses can be sent by email to the following address: CIDH_DESCA@oas.org and include in the subject line of the email: “Questionnaire - Poverty, Climate Change and DESCA in Central America and Mexico, in the Context of Human Mobility”.

When annexes are submitted, they should be clearly identified and differentiated from the main document. Previously published reports may be submitted as annexes.


Questionnaire on Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases in the Inter-American Legal Framework of Human Rights

The Special Rapporteurship on Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights (REDESCA) of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) will produce a thematic report on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) and Human Rights in the Inter-American System. The objective of the report is to establish the impact of NCDs on human rights in the region, and the implications of prevention and treatment in relation to the obligations of States in light of the Inter-American legal framework.

For the purposes of the report to be undertaken, NCDs will be defined as the group of diseases that are not primarily caused by an acute infection, and that result in long-term health consequences and often create a need for long-term treatment and care. NCDs include primarily cancers, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and chronic lung diseases and mental health conditions.

REDESCA invites interested individuals and institutions to submit their responses to this questionnaire with information on statistical data, regulatory framework, public policies, protection mechanisms, challenges and best practices by 28 February 2023 .

Responses can be sent by email to CIDH_DESCA@oas.org and include in the subject line of the email: "Questionnaire - Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases and Human Rights".

The information sent in response to this questionnaire may refer to all or some of the items requested. The information can be submitted in Spanish, English, Portuguese or French. Please identify the numbers of questions to be answered in the document to be sent. Similarly, you are invited to respond directly to each of the questions asked by providing concrete and specific information on what you consider to be the most relevant, significant and/or pertinent.

When annexes are submitted, they should be clearly identified and differentiated from the main document. Previously published reports may be submitted as annexes.

Exceptionally, submissions will be accepted to the physical address of the Rapporteurship: 1889 F St NW, Washington, D.C. 20006.

Online questionnaire for the report on the rights of persons with disabilities in the Americas

The IACHR is drafting a report on the rights of persons with disabilities in the Americas.

The report’s main aim is to examine the situation, paying special attention to the legal capacity of persons with disabilities, in order to come up with a general diagnosis of the main elements where progress has been made and the main pending challenges in this field.

Using this information and the most supportive applicable international standards, the Commission will draw up guidelines and make recommendations to enable States in the region to have a clearer picture of their obligations concerning persons with disabilities.

The IACHR invites civil society organizations, academics, and other stakeholders to submit information using the following questionnaire:

This questionnaire can be partially or fully completed. Research, reports, and other relevant pre-existing or published documents may also be submitted.

If you have any questions or need clarification concerning this questionnaire, please email cidhmonitoreo@oas.org.

The IACHR appreciates all contributions submitted as input for this report.

Submission deadline: September 15, 2022

Invitation to participate in the online consultation of the Strategic Plan 2023-2027 to Civil Society Organizations, Human Rights Institutions and non-state stakeholders:

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights invites to participate in the online consultation regarding the formulation of its Strategic Plan, 2023-2027. This is part of a series of consultations of various types to be held during the first half of 2022.

The new Strategic Plan is the instrument that guides the institutional management of the IACHR. It establishes the programs and actions that will make it possible to achieve the results set by the Commission for the period 2023-2027 and thus for it to successfully fulfill its mission. The formulation of the new Strategic Plan consists of three phases:

In Phase 1, a situational diagnosis will be carried out, objectives and strategic orientation will be defined, in order to deepen the expectations of the planning process and the desired results, as well as to identify the necessary innovations required by the current context of Human Rights in the Americas.

In Phase 2, consultations will be held with the participation of OAS member states, representatives of civil society organizations, experts, representatives of academia, international organizations and donors, to identify proposals and prioritized Human Rights issues of population groups in the Americas. This phase will culminate in May 2022.

In the third and final phase, the final content of the 2023-2027 strategic plan will be drafted, which in turn will contain a plan for monitoring and evaluating its implementation and impact.

This online consultation forms part of Phase 2. It aims to hear the opinions and proposals of OAS member states and non-state stakeholders on how the Commission can use its mechanisms more effectively to strategically address the challenges foreseen in the hemisphere in the coming years, and to jointly develop collaborative actions.

The way to participate in the consultation is by answering the questionnaire found in the following link, which will be available until 23.59 GMT-5 of April 22, 2022.

Link: https://nonstate.questionpro.com

For the IACHR, participation is fundamental in this process in order to continue building mechanisms for the promotion and protection of the Human Rights of all people in the Americas. If you have any questions or additional information, please do not hesitate to send them to: CIDHPlaneacion@oas.org

Informe sobre Violencia contra los NNA y Jóvenes en el contexto del accionar del Crimen Organizado, en los Estados del Norte de Centroamérica

La Relatoría de la CIDH sobre los Derechos de la Niñez elaborará en el curso del presente año un informe acerca de las medidas adoptadas por los Estados del Norte de Centroamérica dirigidas a reducir la violencia contra niñas, niños, adolescentes y jóvenes[1] en el contexto del accionar del crimen organizado. Ello, a fin de realizar un seguimiento a la implementación de determinadas recomendaciones emitidas por la Comisión en su Informe Violencia, Niñez y Crimen Organizado, publicado en 2015, en particular de aquéllas relacionadas con la prevención y protección de la violencia contra niñas, niños, adolescentes y jóvenes, y con la utilización y reclutamiento por grupos del crimen organizado.

A partir del análisis del seguimiento de las recomendaciones en la materia, se permitirá contar con mayor claridad sobre los actuales avances y desafíos para la protección de esta población en el contexto del actuar del crimen organizado. En este sentido, la CIDH podrá enfatizar en la urgencia de que los Estados de El Salvador, Guatemala y Honduras cuenten con políticas estatales comprehensiva y efectivas que se dirijan a proteger de manera integral a niñas, niños, adolescentes y jóvenes frente al accionar de los grupos del crimen organizado.

El plazo para remitir la información solicitada vence el 7 de abril de 2022, y debe enviarse por vía electrónica en el siguiente enlace: https://airtable.com/shrn0IIZta7JUxfZN.

Para cualquier consulta o aclaración respecto del presente cuestionario favor contactar al especialista George Lima, en la siguiente dirección: RelatoriaNinez@oas.org

Contexto general

1. Principales desafíos que enfrenta el país para prevenir la violencia cometida por grupos de crimen organizado.

2. Principales demandas de las poblaciones de adolescentes y jóvenes que correspondan a la necesidad de mayor autonomía y inserción socioeconómica, educación de calidad, participación política y garantía de sus libertades individuales, tales como la libertad de expresión.

3. Acciones consideradas como buenas prácticas (legislativas, judiciales o administrativas) en el respeto, protección y garantía de los derechos humanos de NNA y jóvenes vinculados/utilizados por grupos del crimen organizado.

Datos generales

4. Información socioeconómica de la población de niñas, niños, adolescentes y jóvenes.

5. Informar datos respecto de violaciones de derechos de NNA y jóvenes identificadas (siempre que posible desglosados por edad, e indicándose números y porcentaje):

a) reclutamiento o utilización por grupos del crimen organizado.

b) violencia sexual.

c) violencia física.

d) abuso.

e) trabajo infantil.

f) trata de personas, etc.

6. Datos sobre el sistema de justicia penal juvenil (números y porcentaje), en particular:

a) número de NNA y jóvenes condenados por actividades delictivas cometidas en el contexto de grupos de crimen organizado (desglosado por edad y tipo de delito).

b) número de NNA privados de libertad y modalidades de privación de libertad.

c) número de unidades de privación de libertad de adolescentes.

d) número de NNA que se encuentran bajo medidas alternativas a la privación de libertad, derivadas de la comisión de los delitos en contexto del crimen organizado.

Marco Normativo

7. Normativa/regulación sobre la tipificación penal de la captación, utilización y explotación de niños, niñas y adolescentes por parte de adultos y grupos criminales para la realización de actividades ilegales.

8. Normativa que garantice la inclusión productiva de adolescentes en edad laboral y jóvenes como forma de prevenir su reclutamiento/utilización por grupos de crimen organizado.

9. Otras medidas legislativas de carácter normativo dirigidas a la prevención del accionar del crimen organizado y protección de niñas, niños, adolescentes y jóvenes contra el actuar de organizaciones criminales.

Políticas Públicas

10. Acciones para enfrentar las causas estructurales de la violencia y de ingreso a la criminalidad.

11. Políticas públicas implementadas por el Estado para la prevención de la violencia contra NNA y jóvenes por grupos del crimen organizado.

12. Acciones que se hayan identificado para garantizar la protección integral de NNA en el contexto del crimen organizado.

13. Medidas para desvincular a NNA y jóvenes del crimen organizado.

14. Políticas destinadas a la reparación ante violaciones de derechos humanos, restitución de derechos, y rehabilitación de NNA y jóvenes a la vida fuera del contexto del crimen organizado.

15. Acciones para sancionar a los responsables por la vinculación o utilización de NNA y jóvenes por grupos de crimen organizado.

16. Medidas adoptadas para garantizar un sistema de justicia penal juvenil, atendiendo a los estándares respecto de las condiciones de detención y a los principios de excepcionalidad y de justicia restaurativa.

Perspectiva de género, tratamientos diferenciados y enfoques interseccionales

17. Medidas positivas implementadas a partir de una perspectiva de género, tratamiento diferenciado, y en su caso, enfoque interseccional, dirigidas a la prevención de la violencia contra aquellas poblaciones que atención a diversos factores de discriminación --tales como género, etnia, discapacidad, etc -- enfrentan mayores obstáculos y barreras de acceso y disfrute de derechos. En particular, informar sobre:

a) Prevención y captación de niñas y adolescentes (hasta 18 años) por grupos de crimen organizado.

b) Protección de la salud sexual y reproductiva de niñas y adolescentes.

c) Combate a la violencia sexual contra niñas y adolescentes.

d) Prevención del embarazo adolescente.

e) Atención a las necesidades particulares de NNA y jóvenes indígenas.

f) Prevención de violencia y discriminación contra NNA y jóvenes con discapacidad.

g) Inclusión social y la protección integral de las personas en contexto de movilidad humana.


18. Mecanismos de supervisión de la implementación de las políticas públicas, programas o acciones señaladas anteriormente.

19. Incorporación de perspectiva de género, tratamiento diferenciado, y enfoque interseccionalidad en las medidas de seguimiento y supervisión de las medidas referidas.

20. Forma y grado de participación de la sociedad civil u otras organizaciones u organismos nacionales y/o internacionales que trabajen en temas protección de los derechos de NNA y jóvenes, en el diseño y monitoreo de la aplicación de las medidas anteriormente descritas.

21. Iniciativas de participación protagónica de NNA en el proceso de diseño e implementación de políticas públicas para el enfrentamiento a la violencia, el reclutamiento y al accionar de las organizaciones de crimen organizado, bien como en los asuntos que les afectan de manera particular.

Información Adicional/Adjuntos

22. Proyectos ejecutados por organizaciones de la sociedad civil para la prevención de la violencia contra NNA y jóvenes por grupos del crimen organizado.

23. Cualquier otra información que estime pertinente; y, en su caso, adjuntar copias de los marcos normativos, políticas y prácticas respectivas.

[1] Para efectos del mencionado informe, la CIDH considera como joven la persona de hasta entre 15 y 24 años, acompañando al concepto utilizado por la Organización de las Naciones Unidas.

Questionnaire on the Human Rights of Environmental Defenders in Countries in Northern Central America

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) is working on a report on the human rights of environmental defenders in countries in northern Central America.

The aim of this report is to gather information concerning the situation of defenders of the environment, land, and natural resources in Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador.

The document seeks to describe the main risks these individuals face, as well as the reasons and sources of any such risks. The report further intends to assess major progress and pending challenges in efforts to protect these environmental defenders and ensure that conditions are right for the defense of the environment. The report is also set to issue recommendations for States.

The IACHR invites States, civil society organizations, human rights defenders, academic institutions, and other stakeholders to make their contributions on the following topics:

  1. Causes and ways in which defenders stand up for the environment in northern Central American countries
  2. Main groups who are at risk due to their work in defense of environmental rights, and main risks individual environmental rights defenders face
  3. Types of attacks that have been seen against environmental rights defenders (threats, murders, criminalization, slander, etc.)—Disaggregate figures based on the type of aggression, the activity of the defender who was attacked, their gender, the geographical area, and the likely perpetrators
  4. Sources and origin of these risks, ties to development or extractive projects, and factors that affect risk persistence; existing context or structural conditions that affect the persistence of these risks in any given country
  5. Progress and challenges in efforts to mitigate and/or eradicate risks for environmental defenders—Highlight the main protection and prevention measures adopted by States in northern Central America
  6. Main factors that have led to the criminalization of environmental defenders in countries in northern Central America, and main crime or misdemeanor categories used to that effect—Mention specific cases, if known
  7. Obstacles that have been identified for the defense of the environment through judicial proceedings
  8. Progress made and pending challenges in efforts to fight impunity in cases involving environmental defenders in northern Central American countries—Include detailed information concerning the state of specific investigations, and any particular challenges that have been identified
  9. Suggestions and recommendations to achieve effective protection of environmental defenders in countries in northern Central America

This questionnaire can be partially or fully completed, depending on the available information. Research, reports, and other relevant pre-existing and/or published documents may also be submitted. The IACHR appreciates all contributions submitted as input for this report.

Questionnaire answers must be emailed to cidhdefensores@oas.org . The email subject should say: “Environmental defenders in northern Central America”.

Information may be submitted in English, French, Portuguese, and/or Spanish. Please keep contributions concise and objective, and make sure they are based on verifiable sources and address events that have happened in the past 5 years.

Submission deadline : Midnight of February 12, 2022 (time in Washington, D.C.)


Cuestionario sobre derechos laborales y sindicales en Cuba

La CIDH y REDESCA elaborarán un informe sobre los derechos laborales y sindicales en Cuba, con el objeto de recopilar y analizar información sobre la situación de estos derechos en la isla a fin de proporcionar directrices al Estado que permitan la efectiva protección de estos derechos en el país.

Con el propósito de contar con mayores insumos para la preparación de dicho informe, se inicia el proceso de consulta pública, invitando a las organizaciones de la sociedad civil, organismos internacionales, academia y especialistas a responder el formulario que consta de los siguientes apartados: 1) derechos laborales, 2) derechos sindicales, 3) acceso a la justicia, debido proceso y protección judicial, y 4) empresas y derechos humanos.

A través de sus diferentes mecanismos, la CIDH y REDESCA dan seguimiento constante a la situación de los derechos humanos en Cuba, en virtud del mandato otorgado por la Carta de la Organización de los Estados Americanos y la Declaración Americana sobre Derechos y Deberes del Hombre. Es de interés profundizar sobre los retos, obstáculos, avances, leyes y decisiones judiciales en materia de derechos humanos en la isla, con énfasis en los derechos económicos, sociales, culturales y ambientales.

En particular, en el marco de las reuniones de la Red integrada por Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil sobre la situación de los derechos humanos en Cuba, espacio creado en el ámbito de la Comisión para intercambio de información con participación de diferentes actores, se recibió información sobre la situación de los DESCA en Cuba, especialmente relacionada con los derechos laborales y sindicales.

Las directrices para la remisión de las respuestas se presentan a continuación:

  1. El cuestionario puede contestarse parcial o totalmente, según la información disponible.
  2. Identificar claramente los números de preguntas a las que se da respuesta, en caso de que se envíe por correo electrónico.
  3. Se solicita responder directamente a cada una de las preguntas formuladas, proporcionando información concreta y específica de lo que se considere pertinente y relevante.
  4. Identificar y diferenciar claramente cuando se presenten anexos al documento principal.
  5. Las respuestas deben enviarse completando el formulario eletróncio. También podrán enviar por correo electrónico a: CIDH_DESCA@oas.org (favor incluir en el asunto del correo electrónico: “Cuestionario – Derechos Laborales y Sindicales en Cuba”).
  6. Plazo extendido hasta: 11:59 pm (hora de Washington D.C.) del 23 de marzo de 2022
  7. Dirigido a: academia y sociedad civil que deseen participar
  8. Para cualquier consulta o aclaración por favor enviar un correo a: CIDH_DESCA@oas.org.

Consultation on the Inter-American Principles on Academic Freedom and University Autonomy

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights together with the Office of the Special Rapporteur for Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights (SRESCER) and the Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression (SRFOE) invite the States Parties of the Organization of American States (OAS), civil society organizations, academics, international organizations and other relevant stakeholders to submit comments on the Inter-American Principles on Academic Freedom and University Autonomy.

The objective of the Inter-American Principles is to provide a tool that integrates the standards developed by the Inter-American Human Rights System concerning Academic Freedom and University Autonomy.

At the same time, this instrument seeks to serve as a frame of reference for OAS States Parties to take into consideration to ensure that their academic freedom laws, policies, and practices are in compliance with Inter-American human rights norms and standards.

For this purpose, the following web form has been enabled and will be available until November 12, 2021.

If you do not have access to the Internet, your comments on the draft of the Inter-American Principles can be sent via postal mail to the following address:

Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
Organization of American States
1889 F Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C., 20006
United States of America

Cuestionario de consulta para Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil sobre el cumplimiento de las recomendaciones relacionadas con las condiciones de detención y el uso de la prisión preventiva en Guatemala, Honduras y El Salvador

La Sección de Seguimiento de Recomendaciones e Impacto de la Secretaría Ejecutiva de la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH o la Comisión) elaborará en el curso de los siguientes meses un informe sobre el cumplimiento de las recomendaciones emitidas por la CIDH en relación con las condiciones de detención y uso de la prisión preventiva en Guatemala, Honduras y El Salvador. El objetivo de este informe es examinar el nivel de cumplimiento de las recomendaciones e identificar las buenas prácticas y los principales desafíos que enfrentan los países de la región para mejorar las condiciones de detención y reducir el uso de la prisión preventiva, con miras a diseñar una estrategia de seguimiento que contribuya a incrementar la efectividad de las recomendaciones de la CIDH en la materia.

En los últimos años, la CIDH ha manifestado su preocupación por las deplorables condiciones de detención en las unidades de privación de la libertad en Guatemala, Honduras y El Salvador. Se registran altos niveles de hacinamiento, una deficiente infraestructura, precarias condiciones de salubridad e higiene, y una negligente atención médica. Prevalecen igualmente, la alimentación inadecuada, la ausencia de programas enfocados a la reinserción social y la falta de un enfoque diferenciado de tratamiento respecto a personas pertenecientes a grupos en situación especial de riesgo. Persisten altos niveles de violencia al interior de los centros de reclusión y se registran maltratos, así como tratos crueles, inhumanos y degradantes que podrían constituir tortura. De otro lado, la CIDH ha advertido sobre el uso excesivo de la prisión preventiva, que contribuye a elevar los niveles de hacinamiento, al tiempo que constituye una afrenta al derecho de toda persona a la presunción de inocencia.

La especial situación de riesgo que enfrentan las personas privadas de la libertad, como consecuencia de las condiciones de detención que prevalecen en estos tres países, se ha agudizado durante la pandemia originada por el COVID-19. Este contexto exige la implementación de medidas dirigidas a asegurar las condiciones dignas y adecuadas de detención en los centros de privación de la libertad y el uso racional y excepcional de la prisión preventiva.

El informe partirá por examinar el nivel de cumplimiento de las recomendaciones de la CIDH en relación con las personas privadas de libertad, dirigidas a Guatemala, Honduras y El Salvador. En relación con Guatemala, la CIDH examinará el nivel de cumplimiento de las recomendaciones incluidas en el Informe de país publicado el 31 de diciembre de 2017 y respecto de Honduras, las recomendaciones contenidas en el Informe de país publicado el 27 de agosto de 2019. Respecto de El Salvador, la Comisión examinará el cumplimiento de las recomendaciones incluidas en las Observaciones Preliminares de la visita in loco de la CIDH al país realizada entre el 2 y el 4 de diciembre de 2019, las cuales fueron publicadas el 27 de diciembre de 2019. También, se examinará el nivel de cumplimiento de las demás recomendaciones emitidas por la CIDH sobre las personas privadas de libertad y las condiciones de detención a cada uno de estos tres países, principalmente a través de comunicados de prensa.

Además, el informe examinará el nivel de cumplimiento de las recomendaciones emitidas por la CIDH dirigidas a garantizar la salud e integridad de la población privada de libertad y de sus familiares en el contexto de la pandemia de COVID-19.

El presente cuestionario tiene el objetivo de acceder a información valiosa para la elaboración de este informe. La primera parte del cuestionario solicita información respecto del cumplimiento de las recomendaciones formuladas en los informes de país y en comunicados de prensa emitidos por la CIDH, en relación con las personas privadas de libertad y sus condiciones de detención. En la segunda parte, se indaga sobre la implementación de medidas estatales dirigidas específicamente a atender la emergencia sanitaria por el COVID-19 en los centros penitenciarios.


  1. Para facilitar más participación, se decidió ampliar el plazo para el envío de respuestas a este cuestionario por parte de organizaciones de la sociedad civil hasta el 31 de agosto de 2021.
  2. Las respuestas deben enviarse al correo electrónico cidhseguimiento@oas.org y con copia a aortiz@oas.org.
  3. El cuestionario puede contestarse de forma parcial o total, dependiendo de la información disponible y que sea del conocimiento de su organización;
  4. Se pueden presentar investigaciones, informes y otros documentos ya preparados y/o publicados que sean pertinentes y o se relacionen con el tema;
  5. Se ruega que la información respecto de las medidas dirigidas a atender la emergencia sanitaria del COVID-19 en los centros penitenciarios y proteger la salud e integridad de las personas privadas de libertad y sus familiares de la pandemia se presente en la sección de preguntas asignada al tema.

Consultation questionnaire for civil society organizations: Preparation of the thematic report “National Systems for the Implementation of International Decisions on Human Rights: Good Practices Guide”

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) has initiated a thematic investigation into the mechanisms and systems that, at the national level, the States of the Americas have established to comply with the recommendations and decisions of the IACHR in particular and the Inter-American System of Human Rights, and other international systems for the protection of human rights in general.

The aforementioned investigation takes as a starting point that the development of international human rights law has begun to raise the need to transcend towards a perspective oriented to the effective assurance of the decisions that international bodies and instances issue when analyzing human rights violations. With this, the idea of ??effective international justice has begun to gain an important boom, where compliance with international decisions is placed as the main axis of reflection, analysis, and questioning.

In this regard, the IACHR is particularly interested in learning about the experience of civil society organizations in activating and using formal and institutional mechanisms that promote compliance with international decisions on human rights. But also, and in greater detail, the experiences related to the promotion of innovative and not necessarily institutional practices, which, derived from the committed work of said organizations, contribute to strengthening the processes, instances, and state mechanisms for compliance with recommendations.


To facilitate the broadest participation, it was decided to extend the deadline for sending responses by civil society organizations to the Consultation Questionnaire for the Preparation of a Good Practice Guide for the Implementation of IACHR Decisions.

The deadline to submit the responses: April 30, 2021 .

Responses can be sent by email to: CIDHSeguimiento@oas.org and dgarcia @ oas .org

Questionnaire for States, Indigenous and Tribal Peoples and Organizations, and Civil Society Organizations

Thematic Report on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples’ Right to Self-Determination


The purpose of this questionnaire is to request the information described below for the preparation of a thematic report by the Rapporteurship on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR). As part of its function to promote and protect the human rights of indigenous peoples, the Office of the Rapporteur will prepare a report (Report) over the next few months on the right of indigenous and tribal peoples to self-determination.

The Report will analyze the international standards related to indigenous and tribal peoples’ right to self-determination and will expound on the characteristics and content of this right within the framework of the Inter-American Human Rights System (ISHR). The Report will also include a discussion on these peoples’ practices and experiences in exercising self-determination throughout the different countries of the Americas, and the obstacles and challenges in that regard. The different dimensions or manifestations of self-determination will be addressed, among which can be highlighted: the development of autonomy, self-government and indigenous justice administration systems; processes for the appointment and election of indigenous peoples' own authorities; the rights to their lands, territories and natural resources; and the rights to consultation and free, prior and informed consent regarding legislative and administrative measures or natural resource use or development projects that may affect them directly. Likewise, the Report will formulate recommendations to the States to guide their efforts in the recognition and implementation of this right.

The information gathered through this questionnaire will serve as a source for the preparation of said report. Therefore, the IACHR invites States, indigenous and tribal peoples and their representative organizations, and civil society organizations to provide information through this online questionnaire regarding the experiences, challenges, practices, legislation and jurisprudence in the different States of the Americas concerning the recognition and effective exercise of the right of indigenous and tribal peoples to self-determination.


This online questionnaire can be answered in whole or in part, depending on the information available. Research, reports, and other documents already prepared and/or published in an electronic format that are relevant to the topic can be attached. The questions are directed to indigenous peoples and organizations, States, civil society organizations, and other interested parties. However, please note that question II.A is specifically addressed to representative indigenous and tribal peoples and organizations. The deadline for the questionnaire is April 26, 2021.

The deadline for responses is extended until Sunday, May 16, 2021 at 11:59 PM .

Questionnaire on Women Deprived of Liberty

Over the course of this year, the Rapporteurship on the Rights of Persons Deprived of Liberty will prepare a report on women deprived of liberty in the Americas, with the aim of conducting an in-depth analysis of the special situation of risk faced by incarcerated women in the Americas, the reasons behind their involvement in the criminal justice system, and the disproportionate impact of their imprisonment on their dependents.

In general terms, the situation of women deprived of liberty is characterized, among other aspects, by an alarming increase in their prison population that principally stems from: (i) the lack of gender perspective in the criminal justice system, in incarceration, and in the drug policy approach; (ii) gender-based violence, poverty, and women’s responsibilities as caregivers as determining factors in their involvement with the criminal justice system; (iii) the vulnerability and risk women face in connection with their deprivation of liberty; and (iv) the disproportionate impact of their imprisonment on their dependents.

In its report on Measures to Reduce Pretrial Detention (2017) , the Commission analyzed the adverse impacts of drug crime policies on imprisonment, and specifically, on women. Significantly, these statements have created space for the Commission to establish relevant guidelines, and in this context, the Commission will expand upon its approach to drug policies with a human-rights focus and gender perspective.

The relevance of this report is mainly based on the following factors: (i) the visibility of the distinct adverse impacts and special situation of risk that women face when they are deprived of liberty; (ii) the need to address the reasons why women are incarcerated, and in particular, why they get involved in drug-related crimes; (iii) the need to establish pertinent standards and recommendations; and (iv) the urgency of undertaking the implementation of alternative measures as one of the principal solutions for ensuring women’s rights.

Specifically, the objective of this questionnaire is to gather information from the States, civil society organizations, academia, and specialists for consideration in the preparation of the aforementioned report. The Commission requests that you respond to the questions, and where applicable, attach copies of the respective regulatory frameworks, policies, and practices.

The requested information should be submitted by email to: cidhdenuncias@oas.org , by April 10, 2021. The subject of the email should read: Questionnaire - Women Deprived of Liberty in the Americas.


Cuestionario sobre lineamientos y recomendaciones para la elaboración de planes de mitigación y/o eliminación de riesgos de personas defensoras de derechos humanos

La Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) observa que en los últimos años se presenta un aumento en los actos de violencia contra personas defensoras de derechos humanos, así como el deterioro de la situación general de seguridad en la que operan en diversos países de la región. Ante este contexto, es interés de la Comisión profundizar sobre las situaciones de riesgo a las que se enfrentan, las causas y orígenes de los riesgos y las acciones que los Estados están adoptando o deben adoptar para mitigarlos y/o eliminarlos.

En el marco de sus labores de monitoreo, la CIDH elaborará una “Guía Práctica para la elaboración de planes de mitigación y/o eliminación de riesgos de personas defensoras de derechos humanos en la región” con el apoyo del Gobierno de España. El objetivo de la Guía será proporcionar una herramienta de uso práctico que permita a integrantes de la sociedad civil, en particular personas defensoras de derechos humanos y a los Estados de la región, contar con un instrumento que aborde los contenidos básicos en materia de mitigación y/o eliminación de riesgos que enfrentan las personas defensoras de derechos humanos. Asimismo, analizar las buenas prácticas y experiencias para la evaluación y mitigación de riesgos, así como las acciones pendientes para garantizar plenamente el derecho a defender los derechos humanos.

El cuestionario puede contestarse de forma parcial o total, dependiendo de la información disponible; se pueden presentar investigaciones, informes, y otros documentos ya preparados y/o publicados que sean pertinentes al tema. La CIDH recibirá a partir de hoy y hasta la medianoche del 28 de agosto de 2020 (horario de Washington, D.C.) la información solicitada al correo electrónico: CIDHdefensores@oas.org. La información puede ser enviada en español, inglés, francés y/o portugués. La información a ser enviada debe ser concisa, objetiva, con fuentes verificables.


Consultation questionnaire for the elaboration of a thematic report Domestic systems for the implementation of IACHR decisions: good practices guide

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights invites Member States of the Organization of American States (OAS), civil society organizations, the academia, international bodies and other relevant actors to contribute, through their responses to this consultation questionnaire, to the conduction of a thematic investigation on the mechanisms and systems that the States of the Americas have established at the national level to comply with the recommendations and decisions of the IACHR in particular, and of the Inter-American Human Rights System and other international human rights protection systems in general. The responses to this questionnaire shall provide inputs for the preparation of a Good Practices Guide, which the IAHR is preparing in order to identify and highlight the best examples of structures, systems, mechanisms, institutions, procedures and legal figures that the States of the region have established in order to comply with inter-American human rights decisions.

The questionnaire can be answered in part or in full. Please submit questionnaire responses prior to January 6, 2020, by e-mail to: cidhseguimiento@oas.org. Please write “Consultation Questionnaire on National Systems for Implementation of IACHR Decisions – (Name of Country)” in the subject line of the e-mail. In the event that it is not possible to send an e-mail, the questionnaire responses can also be faxed to +1 202 458 3650, or by ordinary mail to:

Section on Follow-up of Recommendations and Impact
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
Organization of American States
1889 F Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C., 20006
United States of America

Consultation questionnaire on consolidating and expanding civil society participation in IACHR activities and processes

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) invites civil society stakeholders around the Americas to contribute—by responding to this consultation questionnaire—to consolidating and expanding participation using the available channels and mechanisms as well as new strategies and dynamics. Civil society contributions will provide key inputs to draft a public document on the policy concerning civil society participation in IACHR activities and processes, and to develop dissemination and training materials.

This questionnaire can be partially or fully completed. Responses need to be sent by email to CIDHSeguimiento@oas.org before December 31, 2019. Please include the following as the subject of your email: “Consultation questionnaire on consolidating and expanding civil society participation in IACHR activities and processes”.

Cuestionario de consulta para la elaboración de un informe temático sobre los derechos económicos, sociales, culturales y ambientales de los pueblos indígenas y afrodescendientes tribales en El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala y Nicaragua

La Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH), en conjunto con su Relatoría Especial sobre los Derechos Económicos, Sociales, Culturales y Ambiental (REDESCA), invita a los Estados Partes de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA), las organizaciones de la sociedad civil, la academia, organismos internacionales y otros actores relevantes a contribuir, a través de sus respuestas a este cuestionario de consulta, con la elaboración de un informe temático sobre la situación de los derechos económicos, sociales, culturales y ambientales (DESCA) de los pueblos indígenas y afrodescendientes tribales en El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala y Nicaragua.

Este informe procura reunir información sobre el acceso a los DESCA de pueblos indígenas y afrodescendientes tribales, con el objetivo de identificar los principales desafíos para su efectiva realización a la luz de la normativa y los estándares interamericanos, así como promover acciones encaminadas a superar estos obstáculos.

El cuestionario puede contestarse de forma parcial o total. Además de la información solicitada, es deseable que se incluyan en el formulario todos los datos, comentarios y aclaraciones que se entiendan pertinentes. Asimismo, se valora la presentación de investigaciones, informes, y otros documentos ya preparados y/o publicados que se encuentren relacionados a estas temáticas.

Enviar las respuestas antes del 20 de diciembre de 2019 al correo electrónico: cidhmonitoreo@oas.org. Indicar en el asunto del correo “Cuestionario sobre Proyecto del Triángulo Norte y Nicaragua – (Nombre del país)”. En caso de que no sea posible enviar un correo electrónico, también se puede enviar el cuestionario vía fax al número +1 202 458 3650, o por correo postal a:

Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
Organization of American States
1889 F Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C., 20006
United States of America

Questionnaire for Report on the impact of private security on human rights

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), with its Special Rapporteurship on Economic, Social, Cultural, and Environmental Rights (ESCER), invites Member States of the Organization of American States (OAS), civil society, and other non-state actors to participate answering the Questionnaire for drafting the Thematic Report on the impact of private security on human rights.

This report seeks to identify the main challenges generated by the implementation of private security and good practices that are compatible with human rights, which are being implemented by countries in relation to private security companies.

The IACHR appreciates the contributions received as input for the preparation of this report, through which it seeks to identify States’ obligations to activities conducted by private security companies under their jurisdiction and the effects of these obligations on companies, providing recommendations on the subject.

The deadline to submit the questionnaire is October 30, 2019 at 23:59 p.m., Washington, D.C. (EST).

Questionnaire for drafting the Thematic Report on the Situation of Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights of Persons of African Descent in the Americas

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) invites Member States of the Organization of American States (OAS), civil society, and other non-state actors to participate answering the Questionnaire for drafting the Thematic Report on the Situation of Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights of Persons of African Descent in the Americas.

This questionnaire seeks to gather information to draft a regional report on the ESCERs of persons of African descent. The questionnaire is aimed at compiling information from the Member States of the Organization of American States, from civil society organizations, intergovernmental entities, as well as anyone interested in submitting information in response to the questions posed in the questionnaire.

The questionnaire may be partially or totally answered, depending on the information available to the respondent. Any studies, reports and other previously prepared and/or published documents, that may be relevant to the subject at hand, may be submitted. The questions may be answered with respect to the situation of Afro-descendants depending on available information or specific studies of the OAS Members States, of civil society organizations, academia and intergovernmental entities, as well of any person interested in submitting information in response to the questions.

Please submit questionnaire responses prior to August 13, 2019, by email to: cidhafrodescendiente@oas.org.

Please write “Questionnaire on Afro-descendants and ESCER – (Name of country)” in the subject line of the email. Please do not submit duplicates. In the event that it is not possible to send an email, the questionnaire responses can also be sent by fax to +1 202 458 3650, or by ordinary mail to:

Relatoría sobre los Derechos de las Personas Afrodescendientes y contra la Discriminación Racial
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
Organization of American States
1889 F Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C., 20006
United States of America

Consultation regarding the Inter-American Principles on the human rights of migrants, refugees and other persons in the context of mixed migration movements

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) invites Member States of the Organization of American States (OAS), civil society, and other non-state actors to participate in the Consultation regarding the Inter-American Principles on the human rights of migrants, refugees and other persons in the context of mixed migration movements.

The objective of the Inter-American Principles is to provide a tool that integrates the norms and standards developed by the bodies of the IAHRS concerning migrants, refugees and other persons in the context of human mobility. Moreover, this tool seeks to serve as a guide or directives for Member States of the OAS on how to ensure that their laws, policies, and practices in migration matters, international protection and respect for others in the context of human mobility are in conformity with inter-American human rights norms and standards.

Answers to the questionnaire may be sent until February 18th, 2018 to: cidhmigrantes@oas.org

Please indicate "Consultation – Inter-American Principles on Migrants and Refugees" as subject of the email.

If you do not have internet access, responses may be sent to the following address:

Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
Organization of American States
1889 F Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C., 20006
United States of America


Questionnaire for the Preparation of Report on Due Process and Judicial Protection in Proceedings to Determine Refugee Status, Complementary Protection, and Statelessness

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) invites States, civil society, and other non-state actors to respond to the questionnaire on due process guarantees and judicial protection in proceedings to determine refugee status, complementary protection, and statelessness in the Americas.

Answers to the questionnaire may be sent until July 8th, 2018 to: cidhmigrantes@oas.org.

Please indicate "Questionnaire for report on due process” as subject of the email.

If you do not have internet access, responses may be sent to the following address:

Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
Organization of American States
1889 F Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C., 20006
United States of America

Addressed to the Rapporteurship on the Rights of Migrants of the IACHR

Questionnaire to assist in the preparation of the report: Business and Human rights: Inter-American Standards

The Special Rapporteurship on Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights invites States, civil society, and other stakeholders to answer the questionnaire and contribute any additional information for analysis as part of the preparation of the report.

Responses to this questionnaire must be submitted no later than May 31, 2018 to CIDH_DESCA@oas.org

If you do not have internet access, responses may be sent to the following address:

Special Rapporteurship on Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
Organization of American States
1889 F Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C., 20006
United States of America

Questionnaire for Report on Challenges and Good Practices in the Follow-up of Recommendations issued by the IACHR on the Eradication of Violence and Discrimination against Women and Adolescents in Latin America and the Caribbean

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) invites States, civil society, and other non-state actors to respond to the questionnaire on pending challenges and best practices in States’ compliance with recommendations and decisions of the IACHR regarding the eradication of violence and discrimination against women, girls and adolescents in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Answers to the questionnaire may be sent until July 4, 2018 (new deadline) to: CIDHmonitoreo@oas.org.

Please indicate "Questionnaire about Women and Girls - Name of the Country" as subject of the email.

If you do not have internet access, responses may be sent to the following address:

Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
Organization of American States
1889 F Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C., 20006
United States of America

addressed to the Rapporteurship on the Rights of Women of the IACHR

Cuestionario de consulta para la elaboración de Informe sobre los derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas de la Panamazonia

Enviar las respuestas al cuestionario hasta el 18 de noviembre de 2018*, por correo electrónico a: cidhmonitoreo@oas.org. Indicar “Cuestionario sobre Panamazonía– (Nombre del País)” como asunto en el correo electrónico. Se ruega no enviar duplicados.

En caso de que no sea posible enviar un correo electrónico, también se puede enviar el cuestionario vía fax al número +1 202 458 3650, o por correo postal a:

Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
Organization of American States
1889 F Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C., 20006
United States of America

* La fecha original para enviar respuestas al cuestionario era el 28 de octubre de 2018. El 5 de noviembre de 2018, la CIDH decidió extender la fecha hasta el 18 de noviembre. Se pueden enviar respuestas hasta la medianoche del 18 de noviembre, hora en Washington, D.C.

Questionnaire for the elaboration of a Report on national systems of protection of human rights of older persons in the Americas

The Unit on the Rights of Older Persons of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) conducts the following public consultation with the objective of collecting information about the rights and good practices of OAS Member States in the recognition and effective guarantee of the rights of elderly persons.

The questionnaire can be answered partially or totally, depending on the available information; research, reports, and other documents already prepared and/or published that are relevant to the topic may be submitted; the 30 questions can be answered with regards to the situation of older persons depending on the information available or on the approach of the work of the Member States of the OAS, of civil society organizations, intergovernmental entities, as well as of any person who is interested in sending information about the questions included.

Please send the answers to the questionnaire before January 31, 2019*, by email to: cidhmonitoreo@oas.org.

Please indicate “Older Persons Questionnaire - (Name of Country)” as the subject of the email. Please do not send duplicates. In case it is not possible to send an email, the questionnaire may also be sent via fax to the number +1 202 458 3650, or by post to:

Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
Organization of American States
1889 F Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C., 20006
United States of America

* The original deadline to receive answers to the questionnaire was December 31, 2018. On December 13, 2018, the deadline was changed to January 31, 2019.

Questionnaire for the Report on trans persons and economic, social and cultural rights

The Rapporteurship on rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex persons (LGBTI) of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights initiated a public consultation process to receive information on the measures adopted by the States related to the economic, social and cultural rights of trans persons.

The deadline for the submission of information is August 6, 2018, and it should be sent to: cidh_lgtbi@oas.org

Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
Organization of American States
1889 F Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C., 20006
United States of America


Questionnaire for the Report on the progress and the constructive efforts regarding the respect and the guarantee of the rights of LGBTI persons in the Americas

The Rapporteurship on rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex persons (LGBTI) of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights initiated a public consultation process to receive information on the measures adopted by the States to progress the respect and protection of diversity in regard to sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression – real or perceived – and bodily diversity.

The deadline for the submission of information is October 1st, 2017, and it should be sent to:

Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
Organization of American States
1889 F Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C., 20006
United States of America


Questionnaire for Report on Children’s Rights, Freedom of Expression, and the Media

The Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression and the Rapporteurship on the Rights of the Child of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) initiated a public consultation process on July 8th to receive information on the promotion of freedom of expression and the role of the media in the hemisphere in connection with the rights of children and adolescents. The inputs received from this process will be used to draft a thematic report on “Children’s Rights, Freedom of Expression, and the Media in the Americas.”

The deadline for the submission of information is September 9th, 2016, and it should be sent to:

Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
Organization of American States
1889 F Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C., 20006
United States of America


Questionnaire to assist in the preparation of a report on national protection mechanisms for human rights defenders

The Inter-American Commission invites States, civil society, and other non-State actors to answer the questionnaire and contribute any additional information possible for analysis, as part of the preparation of the report.

Responses to this questionnaire must be submitted no later than August 15, 2016 to CIDHDefensores@oas.org and CIDHTematico@oas.org. Please indicate in subject line of email the country about which information is being provided.

If you do not have internet access, responses may be sent to the following address:

Attn: Questionnaire on national protection mechanisms for human rights defenders
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
Organization of American States
1889 F Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C., 20006
United States of America

Questionnaire of Consultation for a Report on National Child Protection Systems

The Inter-American Commission invites the States, civil society, and other non-State actors to answer the questionnaire and contribute any additional information possible for analysis, as part of the preparation of the report.

Answers to the questionnaire may be sent until May 31, 2016 to the following email address: relatorianinez@oas.org , with a copy sent to CIDHtematico@oas.org (please write Questionnaire on NCPS in the email subject line, followed by the name of the country in question). The questionnaire may also be sent to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Organization of American States, 1889 F Street, NW, Washington DC 20006, addressed to the IACHR Rapporteurship on the Rights of the Child

Consultation Questionnaire on Measures Designed to Reduce the Use of Pretrial Detention

The Rapporteurship on the Rights of Persons Deprived of Liberty will prepare a study this year on the follow-up to the recommendations regarding the use of pretrial detention made by the IACHR in its 2013 report "Use of Pretrial Detention in the Americas".

The deadline for sending in the requested information is May 22, 2016, and it should be sent to:

Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
Organization of American States
1889 F Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C., 20006
United States of America


The email subject line should be: Consultation – Pretrial Detention Questionnaire. Please direct any question or request for clarification to sgalvan@oas.org.

Cuestionario de consulta para el informe sobre pobreza y derechos humanos en las Américas

El presente cuestionario ha sido preparado como parte del plan de trabajo de la Unidad de Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales de la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, con el objetivo de recopilar insumos para la realización del informe temático sobre “Pobreza y Derechos Humanos en las Américas”.

Las respuestas al presente cuestionario deben enviarse a más tardar el 25 de marzo de 2016 a CIDHTematico@oas.org


Questionnaire for states and civil society to assist in the preparation of the annual overview of the human rights situation in the hemisphere

On July 31, 2015, the IACHR published a questionnaire of consultation inviting States and civil society to submit information to the Commission for the elaboration of Section A of Chapter IV of its Annual Report 2015. The topics of the questionnaire this year are access to water and use of force.

Chapter IV.A of the IACHR provides an annual description on the human rights situation in the hemisphere, resulting from the work and supervision of the Commission, and which shall include the main tendencies, issues, challenges, advances and positive practices regarding both political and civil rights as well as economic, social and cultural rights.

The deadline to send answers is September 15, 2015. The answers must be sent to CIDHGeografico@oas.org with the following words in the Subject: Questionnaire on Chapter IV.A. 2015 – Regional / Country name. Please change the highlighted words indicating if the responses being sent are applicable to all the region (write “Regional”) or if they refer to a specific country (write the name of the country about which information is being provided).

Questionnaire for states and civil society to assist in the preparation of the annual overview of the human rights situation in the hemisphere

On January 27, 2015, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) published a questionnaire of consultation inviting States and civil society to submit their responses providing examples of the most emblematic issues that demonstrate patterns or obstacles, as well as good practices, for the annual overview on the situation of human rights in the hemisphere.

The present questionnaire has been created to collect information from States and civil society to be considered in the preparation of Chapter IV.A of the IACHR’s 2014 Annual Report with respect to the topics of citizen insecurity; State compliance with the recommendations of the IACHR, the decisions of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR) and the human rights standards of the inter-American system; discrimination on the basis of ethnic or racial origin; and migrants.

The deadline to send answers is February 23, 2015. The answers must be sent to cidhdenuncias@oas.org with the following words in the Subject: Consultation Chapter IV.A.

In case of no access to Internet, responses may be mailed to:

Ref: Consultation Chapter IV.A.
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
Organization of American States
1889 F Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C., 20006
United States of America

Consultation for the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights Strategic Plan / 2016-2020

The IACHR is in the process of preparing its strategic plan for the next five years, 2016-2010. It considers the participation of the member states and of the human rights organizations that use the system to be very important to this process.

The deadline to send answers is December 14, 2015. The answers must be sent to: CIDHPlaneacion@oas.org


Questionnaire for States and Civil Society to Assist in the Preparation of a Report on the Criminalization of Human Rights Defenders through the Misuse of Criminal Law

On August 1, 2014, the Rapporteurship on Human Rights Defenders published a questionnaire of consultation with States and civil society for the elaboration of a report on the the Criminalization of Human Rights Defenders through the Misuse of Criminal Law. The deadline to respond is Octuber 16, 2014.

The answers must be sent to cidhdefensores@oas.org with the following words in the Subject: Questionnaire on Criminalization.

In case of no access to Internet, responses may be mailed to:

Rapporteurship on Human Rights Defenders

Ref: Questionnaire on Criminalization
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
Organization of American States
1889 F Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C., 20006
United States of America

Questionnaire of Consultation for a Report on Organized Armed Violence and the rights of boys, girls and adolescents in the Americas

Between 25th and 28th February, 2014, the Rapporteurship on the Rights of the Child made public a Questionnaire of Consultation in order to receive information for a Regional Report on the situation of boys, girls and adolescents in different contexts of organized armed violence in the region. The main purpose of this study is to develop recommendations to the States that provide guidelines for actions which, under international human rights law, they must take for the effective protection of the fundamental rights of boys, girls and adolescents in these contexts. The information gathered through this questionnaire will be one of the sources for that report. The deadline to receive responses is March 31, 2014. Please send them to relatorianinez@oas.org, using “Questionnaire on Organized Armed Violence” in the subject of the email.

The IACHR has decided to extend the deadline to receive responses until May 15th, 2014.


Questionnaire of Consultation for a Report on Violence against Lesbian, Gay, Trans, Bisexual and Intersex Persons in the Americas

On October 21, 2013, the Unit on the Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Trans, Bisexual and Intersex Persons in the Americas made public a Questionnaire of Consultation in order to receive information for a Regional Report on Violence against Lesbian, Gay, Trans, Bisexual and Intersex Persons in the Americas. The purpose of this questionnaire is to gather information for a regional report focusing on the situation of violence against lesbian, gay, trans, bisexual and intersex persons in the Americas. The questionnaire is aimed at obtaining information from Member States of the OAS, civil society organizations, inter-governmental organizations, as well as any person who is interested in sending information on the questions presented. The deadline to receive responses is November 25, 2013. Please send them to cidh_lgtbi@oas.org , using “Questionnaire on Violence” in the subject of the email.

Consultation Questionnaire on Indigenous Peoples in Voluntary Isolation and Initial Contact

On April 24, 2013, the Office of the Rapporteurship on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples published a questionnaire on the human rights situation of indigenous peoples in voluntary isolation and initial contact in the Americas. The principal goal of the report will be to compile and analyze factual and legal information about indigenous peoples in voluntary isolation and initial contact in the region, as well as make recommendations to the State about the courses of action that, according to international human rights law, should be followed in order to ensure the effective protection of the human rights of isolated peoples. The information received through this Questionnaire will be one of the primary sources for the preparation of that report. The original deadline to receive answers was May 24, 2013; however, the deadline has been extended until June 30, 2013. The answers to the questionnaire must be sent to cidhdenuncias@oas.org , and please write “Response Questionnaire Indigenous Peoples” in the subject of the message.


Questionnaire on the Situation of Justice Operators in the Americas

On January 15, 2013, the Rapporteurship on Human Rights Defenders published a questionnaire of consultation with States and civil society for the elaboration of a report on the situation of justice operators in the Americas. The deadline to submit responses was initially on February 15, 2013. On February 27, 2013, the IACHR published an announcement informing of the decision to postpone the deadline until March 15, 2013.

Questionnaire on the use of preventive or pre-trial detention

On August 31, 2012 the IACHR publicized a questionnaire on the use of preventive (or pre-trial) detention in the OAS Member States, aiming to obtain input for the drafting of a regional report on this subject. On October 4, the IACHR announced a general extension and set the November 2, 2012 as the deadline for submission of responses to the questionnaire. The consultation process encompassed governments, regional organizations, scholars, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders engaged in promoting respect for and defense of the rights of persons deprived of liberty.

The IACHR is no longer receiving responses to this questionnaire.


Questionnaire on the Situation of Access to Justice for Women Victims of Sexual Violence in Mesoamerica

In April 2011, the Office of the Rapporteur published a questionnaire on the situation of access to justice for women victims of sexual violence in Mesoamerica.

Questionnaire on Legal Standards on Gender Equality

On January 28, 2011, the Office of the Rapporteur published a questionnaire on Legal Standards on Gender Equality in the Inter-American Human Rights System. The purpose of the IACHR was to compile information on legal decisions concerning the principle of equality and nondiscrimination adopted by domestic courts, and the impact of the recommendations and decisions of the organs of the inter-American human rights system in this sphere. The period to receive answers closed on April 16, 2011.

Questionnaire on the Friendly Settlement Processes before the IACHR

In 2011, the IACHR published a questionnaire on the Friendly Settlement Processes before the IACHR, and the responses were received until January 9, 2012.


Questionnaire on the Situation of Human Rights Defenders

In December 2010, the then Unit on Human Rights Defenders sent to States and civil society a Questionnaire aiming to follow-up on the recommendations of the 2006 Report on the Situation of Human Rights Defenders. The deadline to receive answers was April 1, 2011.

Questionnaire On The Primary Achievements And Challenges Women Face In Exercising Their Economic, Social, And Cultural Rights

In May 2010, the Office of the Rapporteur published a questionnaire on the primary achievements and challenges women face in their countries in exercising their economic, social, and cultural rights, particularly in the workplace, in education, and in access to and control of resources under conditions of equality, among other areas of economic, social and cultural rights of women. The IACHR received responses until July 10, 2010.

Questionnaire on the main progress and challenges in the sphere of political participation of women

In February 2010, the Office of the Rapporteur published a questionnaire on the main progress and challenges in the sphere of political participation of women. The period for receiving answers is now closed.

Questionnaire in the context of the thematic report on Persons Deprived of Liberty in the Americas

In 2010, the IACHR published a questionnaire to obtain information for the elaboration of a thematic report. The report is aimed at providing specific recommendations and to promote the implementation of the international standards for the protection of the human rights of persons deprived of liberty. The consultation process encompassed governments, regional organizations, scholars, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders engaged in promoting respect for and defense of the rights of persons deprived of liberty.

The deadline to send responses was originally May 21, 2010. On May 28, 2010, the IACHR extended this deadline to June 21, 2010. The period to receive answers is now closed.


Questionnaire on the Standards Set by the Inter-American System with Regard to the Property of Indigenous Peoples over Lands, Territory and Natural Resources

In 2009, the Office of the Rapporteurship on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples published a questionnaire for States, Indigeouns Peoples, Indigenous and Civil Society Organizations, regarding property rights of indigenous peoples over lands, territories and natural resources, rights which are of vital importance to the cultural and economic survival of these peoples in the region.


Questionnaire on the Situation of Human Rights Defenders

In November 2008, the then Unit on Human Rights Defenders sent to States and civil society a Questionnaire aiming to follow-up on the recommendations of the 2006 Report on the Situation of Human Rights Defenders.


Questionnaire On Women's Access To Justice In The Americas

In 2005, the IACHR published a questionnaire to gather information on the main achievements and challenges regarding women's access to justice in the Americas. The information received was analyzed in the report Access to Justice for Women Victims of Violence in the Americas .