- English
- Español
Text of the Declaration in: Español English Português Français
The OAS General Assembly, at its thirty-sixth regular session (Santo Domingo, June 2006), declared the Decade of the Americas for the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities (2006-2016), with the theme “Equality, Dignity, and Participation,” the objectives of which are the recognition and full exercise of the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities and their right to participate fully in economic, social, cultural, and political life and in the development of their societies, without discrimination and on an equal basis with others.
It also declared the need, during the aforementioned Decade, to undertake programs, plans, and measures to bring about the inclusion of and full participation by persons with disabilities in all aspects of society; to carry out social, political, economic, cultural, and development programs, so as to enable such persons to attain opportunities on an equal basis with others; to promote effective measures to prevent new disabilities; and to provide persons with disabilities with access to rehabilitation services and programs.