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VII Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Education
The VII Ministerial Meeting was held on March 1 and 2, 2012, in Paramaribo, Suriname. The main topic of discussion was Transforming the role of the teacher to meet the challenges of the 21st century. The debates focused on the teacher that today’s students need; schools as learning communities; and the role of governments in promoting teacher quality through public policy
The Ministers analyzed the main obstacles to effective teaching that may be addressed through public policy, and examined successful experiences through which educational systems have strengthened teaching practice, they also reviewed the work carried out by the Inter-American Committee on Education (CIE) since 2009, layed the foundations for the CIE Work Plan for the period 2012-2014, and elected new CIE authorities.
To access the Information Bulletin please click here.
Documents of the Meeting
Number of the Document | Title in the Original Language | Language |
Official |
CIDI/RME/doc.1/12 |
Lista de Documentos | TEXTUAL |
CIDI/RME/doc.2/12 rev.1 |
Temario | |
CIDI/RME/doc.3/12 rev.1 |
Temario Anotado | |
CIDI/RME/doc.4/12 rev.3 |
Calendario |
CIDI/RME/doc.5/12 |
Informe de la Presidencia de la Comisión Interamericana de Educación (CIE) y Su Secretaría Técnica |
Declaración de Paramaribo “La transformación del rol del docente frente a los desafíos del siglo XXI” |
Vote of Thanks for the Government of Suriname | |
CIDI/RME/doc.7/12 |
List of Participants / Lista de Participantes | |
CIDI/RME/doc.9/12 |
Informe Final | |
Informative |
Presentación del Informe de la Presidencia y Secretaría Técnica de la Comisión Interamericana de Educación (CIE) |
Reserve Sub-Fund. Statement of Changes in Fund Balance. | |
Brochure of the Inter-American Teacher Education Network | |
Red Interamericana de Educación Docente (RIED) Logros 2011 |
Proyecto “Armando Paz: Construcción de una cultura de paz con los jóvenes en Centro América a través de las artes, los medios y el diálogo social" |
“Educación de Niños y Jóvenes Migrantes. Resumen del Proyecto: Segunda y Tercera Etapa del Proyecto” 2010-2011 | |
“Educación para Niños y Jóvenes Inmigrantes en las Américas: Situación Actual y Desafíos” - 2011 | |
Evaluation Report of the course “Education for Democratic Citizenship in the Caribbean: A Distance Education Course for Teachers”. |
“A report on issues in teacher education in the Caribbean Subregion: Understanding the Challenges to Promoting Democratic Ideals in Schools” |
CIDI/RME/INF.10/12 |
Boletines Electrónicos del Programa Interamericano sobre Educación en Valores y Prácticas Democráticas |
CIDI/RME/INF.11/12 |
Nuevo paquete sobre el uso de la cultura como un medio para prevenir la violencia |
Documento de Política en Breve sobre Educación y Democracia: "Prevención de la violencia a través de intervenciones en Primera Infancia” |
CIDI/RME/INF.13/12 |
Red Hemisférica de Parlamentarios y Ex Parlamentarios por la Primera Infancia |
CIDI/RME/INF.14/12 |
Responsabilidad Social Empresaria y Primera Infancia |
Presentation by Mrs. Denise Vaillant, Academic Director, Education Institute of the ORT University of Uruguay, on: “Regional Strategic Teacher Project” |
Presentation by Mrs. Denise Vaillant, Academic Director, Education Institute of the ORT University of Uruguay, on: “The teacher the 21st-century student needs” |
CIDI/RME/INF.17/12 |
Presentation by Mr. Michael Johanek, Co-director, Inter-American Leadership Network, University of Pennsylvania, on: “Educational institutions as communities of learning” |
Presentation by Mrs. Emiliana Vegas, Education, Education and Human Development Network, World Bank, on: “Teaching policies in the Americas” |
Presentation by Mrs. Adriana Vilela, Education Specialist, OAS Office of Education and Culture, on: “Inter-American Teacher Education Network” |
CIDI/RME/INF.20/12 |
Declaración de Principios en Favor de la Primera Infancia en las Américas |
CIDI/RME/INF.22/12 |
Inaugural Speech of his Excellency Robert Ameerali, Vicepresident of the Republic of Suriname |
CIDI/RME/INF.23/12 |
Welcome Speech of the Honorable Raymond Sapoen, Minister of Education and Community Development |
CIDI/RME/INF.24/12 |
Palabras de Apertura del Secretario General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA), Señor José Miguel Insulza |
CIDI/RME/INF.25/12 |
Talking Points of the Assistant Secretary General, Ambassador Albert R. Ramdim |