Department of Electoral Cooperation and Observation
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Through meetings, seminars and training courses, DECO seeks to promote the effective exchange of knowledge, experiences and electoral management practices in the region.

Inter-American Meetings of Electoral Authorities


The Inter-American Meetings of Electoral Authorities seek to promote an effective exchange of knowledge, experiences and best practices of electoral management bodies in the region. The meetings support horizontal cooperation in order to strengthen the institutional capacities of these bodies and improve the way in which elections are held in the Americas. Eleven Inter-American Meetings of Electoral Authorities have been held to date. The last meeting was held in Mexico City in October 2016.

More information can be found here

Inter-American Electoral Training Seminars


This activity, organized with the Federal Electoral Institute, IFE, of Mexico aimed to promote the improvement of the organization and administration of electoral processes and systems through the strengthening of the technical capacities of officials and civil servants of electoral bodies, To this end, a training day was held at the IFE headquarters in Mexico. Since its first edition in 2008, eight trainings have been organized.

More information can be found here

Meetings of the American Electoral Jurisprudence Working Group

Through the protection of the political and electoral rights of citizens and through the peaceful resolution of electoral disputes, electoral justice bodies are increasingly gaining prominence in the region. In that context, the highest level authorities of the electoral bodies meet periodically in the Working Group Meetings on American Electoral Jurisprudence to circulate and exchange experiences on the decisions made by Electoral Courts of various countries in the region. The seventh Meeting was held in October 2016.

ISO Electoral Standards Workshops

DECO, through the International Electoral Accreditation Body (IEAB), provides training to electoral officials involved in quality management systems based on ISO standards. The courses offered provide training in the application of ISO / TS 17582: 2014 and the proper conduction of certification audits under the norm, in order to train internal auditors within the electoral bodies that have implemented quality management systems and are also able to carry out external audits. By passing course exams, workshop participants will have the opportunity to obtain IEAB's approved lead auditor status. Only auditors and professionals authorized by the Electoral Accreditation Body may perform certification audits under ISO / TS 17582: 2014. Courses have been organized in the Dominican Republic, Peru, Costa Rica, Brussels and Washington DC.

More information can be found here

Department of Electoral Cooperation and Observation

1889 F St., N.W.
Washington, D.C., 20006
Phone: (202) 370-4526
Fax: (202) 458-6250