Youth on the Move



The project "Initiatives to stimulate local development and facilitate access to local markets to youth at risk of migration" of the Migration and Development Program at the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development (SEDI) for the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA); was in charge of the Young Americas Business Trust - YABT.

YABT is an international nonprofit that works in cooperation with the Organization of American States (OAS) to promote the development of young entrepreneurs through its programs and projects in the areas of Leadership and Networking, Training Technology and Strategic Alliances.

The program, which ended in June 2011, was composed by:

1. The diagnosis of conditions and reasons as to why young people migrate, by identifying and locating organizations working in the field of youth and migration.

2. Compilation and documentation of case studies of national and international results and best practices in the migration of young people to establish successful strategies and increase international cooperation, designing a plan for skills training for young people.

3. Action Plan to increase the participation of young migrants in existing programs, designing new programs and extending tools of organizations that work with youth.

Its main findings were:

• The dialogue between youth and policymakers was conducted through the international forum, led by the need for young people and their concerns related to migration.

• The exchange of ideas, practices and experiences between young people and organizations working on youth migration was facilitated through platforms such as video conferencing and group consultation.

• Partnerships and collaboration between international organizations, academic institutions, youth supporters, public and private entities and hemispheric partners.

• Mapping of regional activities was completed, and is available on the website. Is expected to facilitate further regional and international cooperation between institutes and initiatives.

• Study on reasons and causes of youth migration which was titled "Youth Migration in Latin America and the Caribbean", completed based on the findings of studies in Colombia, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Haiti. The review and research of studies regarding the causes of youth at risk of migrating through surveys, case studies, interviews, amongst others.

• Testimonies of young people at risk of migration were to be distributed as a target for increasing knowledge on the subject.

• Three representative cases and best practices in Argentina, Ecuador and the United States were selected as reference for the next stages of the program.

• Thirty-seven participants from different states of Mexico, and which prove to be leaders in their communities of origin, were trained on issues of business development through the Pilot Workshop on Capacity Building ''Young Migrants“. The activity was focused on the development of management skills for young migrants or at risk of migrating.

• Audio-visual material and graphics as promotional videos and distinctive logo of Youth in Motion was created for public use, for the purpose of increasing awareness of the program and to disseminate the results to the public and government level.


