Seminars & Workshops

ithin the Framework of the OAS

Workshop: "Learning from Experience: Bilateral Cooperation in Migration Management"
Special Committee on Migration Issues
April 12th and 13th, 2011
Washington D.C.
>> see presentations

Launch of the Migration Legislation Database "MILEX"

Special Committee on Migration Issues
Washington, D.C.
February 16th, 2011
>>access the database

Official Launch of the MINPET
Meeting of the Special Committee on Migration Issues
January 25, 2011

Extracontinental Migration in the Americas
Washington, D.C.
6 April 2010

Workshop on "The Return of Migrants: Challenges and Oppportunities"

February 4th, 2010
OAS headquarters in Washington, D.C

Workshop on Child and Youth Migration
CEAM, OAS, Washington, DC
October 20, 2010
Comisión Especial de Asuntos Migratorios - OEA

First Technical Workshop for SICREMI National Correspondents

CEPAL Headquarters, Santiago de Chile
October 13-16, 2009

Seminar on Gender and Migration
CEAM, OAS, Washington, DC
April 1, 2009

Seminar on Consular Assistance and Protection, and Exchange of Best Practices
CEAM, OAS, Washington, DC
March 10, 2009

Meeting to identify ways to link efforts of the OAS to the regional migration consultative processes
CEAM, OAS, Washington, DC
February, 13, 2009 

Migrants in Disaster Situations
CEAM, OAS, Washington, DC
January 27, 2009 

Brain Drain: General Considerations
CEAM, OAS, Washington, DC
January 13, 2009

External Events

Second Subregional course on International Labour Migration (available in Spanish Only)
International Labour Organization
Lima, Peru
Noviembre 15-19, 2010

Global Forum on Migration and Development
November 8 and 9, 2010
Puerta Vallarta, Mexico 2010 

People's Global Action on Migration, Development and Human Rights
November 2 to 5, 2010
Mexico City, Mexico 2010 

X South American Conference on Migration (Available in Spanish Only)
October 25 and 26, Cochabamba Bolivia 2010
Acta de Acuerdos y Compromisos Asumidos
Declaraciones de Principios

International Migration and Development: Towards a Policy Agenda (version for Andean countries)
Inter-American Development Bank
Lima, Peru
November 18 and 19, 2009

International Migration and Development: Towards a Policy Agenda (Central American countries)
Inter-American Development Bank
San José, Costa Rica
November 16 and 17, 2009

Regional Conference on Refugee Protection and International Migration in the Americas
San José, Costa Rica
November 18 and 19, 2009
Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para Refugiados  (ACNUR)

Seminar on Child and Youth Migration
October 20th, 2009
Special Committee on Migration Issues

First Technical Workshop of SICREMI's national correspondents
Santiago, Chile
October 13 to 16 


“Los Retos de la Agenda Migratoria Iberoamericana en el Contexto de la Crisis Económica Internacional”
Guanajuato, México
September, 2009
Secretarial General Iberoaméricana (SEGIB) 

Conference “Políticas Migratorias y Experiencias en Procesos de Regularización”
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
June, 2009

Seminar on Gender and Migration
OAS Washington, D.C
April 2009

Seminar on Asistencia y Protección Consular. Alcance e Intercambio de Mejores Prácticas
OAS Washington, D.C
March, 2009

Seminar on: Identificación de Mecanismos de Cooperación entre los Procesos Regionales de Consulta y la OEA
OAS Washington, D.C
February, 2009

Seminar on: Temas de migración y situaciones de desastre
OAS Washington, D.C
January, 2009

Presentación y discusión en torno a la emigración y la fuga de cerebros
OAS Washington, D.C
January 2009
