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Fourth Meeting of the CEDDIS (November 2012)
The Fourth Meeting of CEDDIS was celebrated in Santiago, Chile, on November
27-29, for the purpose of considering, among other matters, the progress made
and difficulties encountered by the states in the presentation of the second
report on compliance with the CIADDIS, the presentation of progress made in
drawing up an instruction manual on supports and safeguards for the exercise of
legal capacity by persons with disabilities, the adoption of a decision on the
conclusions of the Working Group to make recommendations on the sustainability
of the Technical Secretariat for the Implementation of the Program of Action for
the Decade of the Americas for the Rights and Dignity of Persons with
Disabilities (SEDISCAP), the report on the activities carried out by the
Committee in 2012, and the sharing of successful inclusive experiences among
national representatives.
Moreover, in keeping with operative paragraph 4 of resolution AG/RES. 2596
(XL-O/10), time was allowed for civil society participation, to enable its
representatives to provide the Committee with any information they deemed
pertinent on the measures taken by the states parties to the Convention to
implement it.
This meeting was attended by the delegations from the following countries:
Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, México, Panama, Paraguay,
Dominican Republic and Uruguay