- English
- Español
Place and Date:
Mexico City , Mexico ; July 13 and 14, 2005
Note: This meeting took place immediately after the Hemispheric Workshop on Decent Work and Fair Globalization, organized by the ILO on July 11 and 12. The ILO and the OAS worked in complete cooperation with each other for these two events.
Girasoles Room - Hotel Camino Real
Address: Mariano Escobedo, 700 – 11590 Mexico City .
Phone: (52 55) 5263-8888 / Fax: (52 55) 5531-0839.
Information Bulletin (joint document for ILO Workshop and Preparatory) >>
Participants List >>
To discuss the drafts of the Declaration and Plan of Action that will be adopted in the XIV IACML, to approve the Final Reports of the Working Groups, and to analyze the proposals for the creation of cooperation mechanisms and the promotion of decent work.
Documents resulting from the Meeting:
Draft of the Mexico Declaration – negotiated up to paragraph 14
Draft Work Schedule for the XIV CIMT
Letter for the Chair of the SIRG
Joint letter by COSATE and CEATAL (only available in Spanish)
Documents prior to the Meeting:
Agenda of the Preparatory Meeting
Draft of the Mexico Declaration
Draft of the Mexico Plan of Action
Report of Working Group 1
Report of Working Group 2
Joint OAS / ILO Proposal on an Inter-American Network for Labor Administration
Information documents:
Comparative Table of Proposals received through the Virtual Forum for the
Declaration of Mexico >>
Fourth Summit of the Americas - Draft Declaration of Mar del Plata
Fourth Summit of the Americas - Draft Plan of Action of Mar del Plata
Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development of CIDI
Overview of the Report "Doing business 2005: removing obstacles to growth"